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Take the Mask [Jul. 24th, 2013|10:14 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2013-07-25 05:33 am (UTC)


Kakashi didn’t seem very impressed. “Don’t ANBU teams usually have five members?”

“I was wondering that, myself,” Katsuko said. Whichever rookie it was must have made an impression during the Trials, to be assigned alongside Hatake.

Genma glanced over at the door that led into the Hokage’s office. “I guess we got here a little early.”

That got Kakashi’s attention. Sharp eyes behind the mask followed Genma’s gaze to the door. The slightest edge of suspicion entered his voice. “It’s another candidate?”

“A shinobi is in all things patient, waiting for the moment when the truth reveals itself,” Genma said, voice desert-dry.

“It’s another candidate,” Raidou confirmed.

Whoever their second rookie was, Kakashi already had an idea. That was enough for Katsuko to guess that things were going to become wildly entertaining in the next ten minutes. It was shaping up to be an excellent day.

Kakashi’s head turned and she found herself the center of his knife-like focus again. “Is your chakra always this loud?”

Sensors always did like to complain about her chakra presence. Katsuko returned Kakashi’s stare. “I’ll tell you on one condition.”

He tipped his head slightly.

“Address me for the next three hours as ‘Your Luminescence’, and we’ve got a deal.”

Kakashi looked at her for a long moment. Then he said, “I’m going to assume that means ‘yes’.”

“Snarky,” Katsuko said, cheerfully. She couldn’t wait to spar against him. “I like that.”

Genma gave Raidou a speaking look.

“Down,” Raidou told her mildly.

“Sorry, taichou.” Katsuko straightened and saluted. “How long until our second rookie joins us?”

The door opened before Raidou could reply. The man who stepped through was all lean muscle and broad shoulders, wearing a stylized red ram mask. He was tall, too, with a couple of inches on Raidou. Katsuko eyed his dark, spiky hair and the way the ANBU armor molded to his body and felt her mouth quirk up in a grin.

And it wasn’t even her birthday.