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Heaven's Got a Plan For You [Jul. 24th, 2013|09:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2013-07-25 05:40 am (UTC)


Genma eyed the omelet: it was a big one which he’d intended to split between the two of them, but if Raidou was that hungry... “Yeah. Glad you like it.” He headed back to the kitchen and dove into Raidou’s cupboards again, hoping to unearth another packet of mushrooms. “Good to know about the genjutsu. I’m better at recognizing and breaking them than casting, but I’m pretty good at breaking them on other people, too. So as long as we don’t need to do big area-wide genjutsu casting—or if Ueno or one of the rookies has skill—we’re probably covered.”

There were no more mushrooms, but there was a package of some kind of deep reddish dried vegetable ribbons labeled in Western Wind Country’s fluid and unreadable script. A small white sticker in kanji translated it unhelpfully as, “dry plant fruit - sea ear type.” When Genma slit the cellophane, an earthy saline scent drifted up. He shrugged and dumped the contents into the soaking bowl.

“So,” Genma said, as he whipped a second batch of eggs into a slurry, “we have a few known issues with this team, but it doesn’t sound like anything outside the normal bounds for ANBU. And we have some kick-ass potential. Honestly, if I didn’t get the idea you were above it, I’d ask who you bribed.”

Raidou grinned around a mouthful of omelet, looking like a cat who’d licked the butter. “Usagi wanted to know who I’d blown.”

“Did you tell her?”

“God,” Raidou said smugly. “And it was mind-altering.”

Really? Yondaime-sama is into dudes? If that got out, that’d make a lot of people’s fantasies just a little more based in reality.” Genma diced the rehydrated ‘sea ear’ and the rest of the onion, and added the vegetables to the egg.

“Better not say that in Hatake’s hearing,” Raidou said.

“If he hasn’t figured out his sensei inspires fantasies on both sides of the gender divide, he hasn’t got eyes,” Genma said. “But yeah, I hear you. I’d be creeped out if people were hot for my dad, too.”

“Your dad’s not bad,” Raidou said. “If you like them harried and flour-covered.”

Genma flipped the second omelet. “At least my mom thought so.” After a moment he added, “I’d assume that no fraternizing rule applies to family members of teammates, too? It’d be incredibly awkward if my dad turned gay for my captain.”

Raidou’s fork hung in the air, halfway to conveying a bite of omelet to his mouth. “Y’know, I don’t think that’s ever come up before.”

“I’m sure Intel has a form for disclosing it if it does,” Genma said. He dumped out the water he’d soaked the dried stuff in and slid the finished omelet into the empty bowl, rejoining Raidou at the table. His stomach growled long and loud as he sat. “Told you I was hungry,” he said, tucking into the eggs.