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Lay Your Body Down [Apr. 22nd, 2018|01:40 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2018-04-22 09:24 pm (UTC)


“That would require moving,” Kakashi said.

His hand still glistened under the moonlight; grass wasn’t much of a towel. Curiously, he touched one fingertip to his tongue, and wrinkled his nose. Salty, a little like chlorine, an edge of sour apple. Ryouma seemed to like it. Maybe it was an acquired taste?

He wiped his hand on the grass again, and pulled his mask back up. His other hand was still curved protectively over Ryouma’s eyes; he withdrew it now and laid himself down on Ryouma’s chest with a comfortable sigh, fitting his head into the curve of Ryouma’s throat.

Ryouma wrapped both arms around Kakashi, quite naturally, without the awkward hitch he normally employed before a gesture. One arm settled across Kakashi’s shoulders, warm and solid. The other hand cradled Kakashi’s head, playing gently with his hair. “I’m probably still sticky,” Ryouma said.

“My pants are still undone. Are we supposed to be dignified?”

Ryouma snickered into Kakashi’s hair. “Well, maybe not us.”

Kakashi huffed softly, and basked in the burning leaves satisfaction rolling off Ryouma’s skin. There were thoughts he needed to attend to crowding up his spine, but he wanted a few minutes to just be. Ryouma’s nails scratched gently between his shoulderblades, and Kakashi stretched with a contented shiver. The rapid beat of Ryouma’s pulse was steadying under his ear, winding down to a shinobi’s slow rhythm. Sweat gleamed in the hollow of Ryouma’s throat. And they were here.

So that’s what sex feels like.

In the grand scheme, it was a small moment, but part of Kakashi was startled and victorious that he hadn’t buckled and bolted. This time, this time, he hadn’t panicked. He hadn’t hurt anyone. He’d had an orgasm at someone else’s hands. He’d made Ryouma orgasm. He’d… had an effectively normal human experience.

On a mission. Which was a thought he wasn’t going to examine too closely, because it flouted about fifteen different rules and was also massively stupid. But so were Himself’s magical testicles, so.

Ryouma drew a deeper breath, making his chest rise like a wave that carried Kakashi with it. There was something about being lifted by the simple strength of Ryouma’s ribs that was strangely comforting. Kakashi curled his hand around the ridged muscle of Ryouma’s flank, and asked, “Do you mind that I didn’t give you a blowjob?”

Drowsily, Ryouma said, “I like your teeth other places than my cock.”

Kakashi laughed, embarrassed and pleased, and tipped his chin up to press a masked kiss against a telltale scratch on Ryouma’s jaw. He paused there. With the urgency spent, it was a much more deliberate act to put his mouth on Ryouma. Was kissing a thing they did now? Did Ryouma like to kiss afterwards?

Icha Icha had been a little light on post-coital pillow talk that wasn’t about the saving or destruction of nations, or family politics. Kakashi needed a protocol map.

Ryouma, sleepy and relaxed, didn't seem to have noticed the hesitation. He lowered his head easily and met Kakashi with a straightforward kiss. He didn't seem to notice the mask, either, even though it was damp and a little chilled now. Or perhaps he just didn't care. "I really liked what you did. And I really liked what I did. So long's you liked it, too, we're all good."

A glow settled in Kakashi’s chest. He smiled and kissed back — a little more enthusiastically than Ryouma had expected, judging by the muffled laugh. When they broke apart, Kakashi said, “Next time, I want to try a bed.”