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Fluid Boundaries [Mar. 4th, 2018|07:52 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]yuuhi_kurenai
2018-03-05 04:09 am (UTC)


Himself smoothed his steaming beard, eyeing them shrewdly. “You’ll keep your promise to Harubi-san. Do not involve her or her kits in any way.”

“We have no intent of causing further trauma to Harubi-san or her children,” Kurenai said. Raidou’s thumb stroked gently against the back of her neck, a soothing motion, almost a caress. Did she look like she needed soothing? Or, perhaps, did he?

Maybe so. She let her tense muscles relax into it, into the delicious heat of the pool and the steady warmth of his hand, and said, “Were you meaning to share the sake?”

The wooden tray floated toward her on a tiny rising wave. Himself’s narrowed eyes didn’t stray from her face. “So we understand each other: this one—” the sweep of a massive hand indicated Genma, on Raidou’s left— “had no intent of being abducted by my grandkits. You will not involve Harubi and her kits in any plan to visit hallucinations of my asshole neighbors on Harubi’s husband.”

That wording still left loopholes wide enough to run a genin team through, and half of them were intentional. Kurenai poured, briefly focused on the angle of her wrist, the shape of her hand. Soothing rituals in their own way.

Raidou’s hand was still warm and heavy on the back of her neck.

She lifted the cup, and met Himself’s eyes. “We promised we wouldn’t make her a murderer. I agree to this: nothing we do in Tanigawa will involve Harubi-san or her children, nor come to trouble them.”

“Agreed.” The twinkle returned to his night-dark eyes. “And well-weaselled.” He toasted her back. “You'd make a fine tanuki. It’s a shame you were born human. Maybe in your next life.”

A better compliment than snake-minded, Kurenai suspected, and certainly preferable to a wolf-god offering to make Ryouma her pet. She smiled at Himself. “One can only hope. Speaking of new lives: have you given any thought to the goodwill tokens you’ll want to send to settle Harubi-san and her children in their new home? We’d be happy to transport any gifts you send to smooth her way...”

Water splashed to her left, briefly diverting her attention; she caught a glimpse of Genma’s wary little headshake. Don’t push your luck. She lifted her brows. The going’s still good…

Himself laughed again, sending wavelets rippling. “You’re as bad as Kaori-chan. I believe I gave you a very nice piece of calligraphy for your Daimyou. Perhaps you're thinking we should send household furnishings for Harubi-san's new home?”