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After the Rhythm and Booze [May. 21st, 2017|05:20 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]tousaki_ryouma
2017-05-22 01:18 am (UTC)


"You're not supposed to hurt them, asshole!" Ryouma bolted for the lieutenant, and reached him just as Genma tried to roll over and spit blood. A collapsing heap of soft earth sifted down around him.

Raidou was gone. So were the three biggest dogs, their howls receding again into the forest. A thick stream of blood reddened Genma's mouth and chin. Ryouma dropped to one knee beside him. "Neck okay, lieutenant?"

Genma winced, touched his chin to each shoulder, and heaved an annoyed sigh. "Neck's okay. Where's Hatake, so I can break his?"

Ryouma glanced back, but Kakashi must have translocated on Raidou's trail. Only Pakkun was left, trotting cheerfully through the dust. He reached Genma's side and thumped down, scratching vigorously. "Now we're even."

"You caught two of the other dogs," Ryouma explained, and flicked Genma a fast hand-sign: Well done. "The poison net in the last trap nearly knocked Kakashi out of a tree. Can I check your nose?"

Genma smirked, stretching a split lip that spilled a new trickle down his chin. "I didn't know there were going to be dogs. The traps were designed for Hatake." He dabbed at his upper lip with the back of his wrist and sighed again. Leaning back into an armchair of earth, he waved his bloody hand at Ryouma. "Go ahead. I don't think it's broken this time."

Not broken, maybe, but beginning to swell all the same. Ryouma dumped half the water in his canteen over a wad of bandage and cleaned the blood off Genma's face, then dampened another pad to plaster over the bruise. "I don't have any of that bruise-balm you gave me, sorry. Do you—"

Kakashi was back, empty-handed, dust swirling around him. Ryouma rocked back on his heels and scowled. "You know how fast a translocation moves? You could've killed him!"

"Not without a harder wall." Kakashi crouched down next to Genma and tapped him lightly on the top of the head. A thin halo of dust rose from Genma's hair. Kakashi said, "Tag. Want to join us?"

Genma's gaze traveled from Ryouma to Kakashi, and then back. He said, still considering Ryouma, "And do what?"

"Not get chased by dogs," Ryouma muttered. Pakkun snickered. Ryouma didn't actually know much about dogs, but he was pretty sure they shouldn't be able to do that.

Even with only one eye visible, Kakashi could still manage an effective eyeroll. "Help us take down the captain," he told Genma. "Or we can tie you to a tree. Your choice."

Genma touched his forehead lightly and winced. "All right. But I need to take a break for a minute. I'm a little dizzy from that impact."

"This is your fault," Ryouma told Kakashi angrily. "He hasn't even taught me that concussion-mending jutsu. What if you broke his brain?"

"Would you have preferred me to chase him with dogs?" Kakashi inquired, but he leaned back to give them space. Ryouma turned his back pointedly, shouldering Kakashi out, and started checking Genma's symptoms.