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After the Rhythm and Booze [May. 21st, 2017|05:20 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2017-05-22 12:42 am (UTC)


“You didn’t drag him to training with you, either,” Raidou said, unmoved. “Feel free to let him know he’s inconvenienced you.”

Ryouma looked at Kakashi’s retreating back, and then stared at Raidou with a gratifying combination of confusion and injustice. “Why would I wake him up? We didn’t—” There was almost an audible click when Ryouma’s brain caught up with his mouth. He turned a dull sunset red, mumbled, “Taichou,” and took off after Kakashi.

Well, that hinted at a tangle Raidou didn’t intend to touch unless the alternative was a smoking blast radius. He had enough problems policing his own damn issues.

Speaking of which…

Genma had flipped himself gracefully up on his palms, body arching backwards in a long stretch. As Raidou watched, he bent his knees until the soles of his feet hovered a scant inch away from the back of his own head.

Raidou dragged his gaze up to study a cloud formation.

“Well,” Genma said, sounding relaxed despite his full-body fold, “that was interesting.”

“Hatake being rude or Tousaki being awkward?” Raidou asked. “Because I’d say that was status normal.”

Genma straightened his legs and eased himself down onto his forearms, holding himself in a single taut line. “You think it’s just Tousaki having sex on the brain like always, or is there something there?”

“Friendship, I hope,” Raidou said. “Since Hatake’s romantic interests apparently start and end at literature, and I’m sure as hell not giving him The Talk.” He dropped into his own round of push ups, which put his eyeline safely on the grass. “Tousaki’s not suicidal enough to poke that bear trap, either.”

At least, Raidou hoped.

There was a brief moment of silence, a rustle of clothing. He felt the little prickle of Genma watching him.

“At least not until checking if the trap was armed, we can hope,” Genma said.

“It’s Hatake,” Raidou said, resolutely continuing his push ups. “When is he not armed?”

“Right. Well…” Did Genma sound distracted? Raidou flicked a glance sideways, but Genma was tucking himself into a new pose, up on his hands with his knees braced down on his elbows. “At least so far they haven’t killed each other. Even without Ueno to buffer them. It’s a shame she wasn’t here last night, though, since I gather she instigated the whole ‘let’s go to a club’ thing anyway.”

Of course she had.

Raidou had missed her last night. He missed her this morning. Her humor, her irreverence, her paradoxically stabilizing chaos.

But she wasn’t here, and Raidou really needed to get over himself and say some kind of words to Genma like a decent human being, starting with an alphabetized list of why we are a bad idea…

He shoved himself back upright, and said, “Genma.”

Genma looked up, eyes catching the early morning light.

On the other side of the training field, Ryouma was noisily sick.