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Light Me Up [Apr. 8th, 2017|07:02 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2017-04-08 08:59 pm (UTC)


Raidou wasn’t sure which part of that suggestion was more insane, but Kakashi promising to do anything social seemed like a pretty solid forerunner.

Except that Kakashi wasn’t arguing. He gave Ginta a look of deep suspicion, then studied Ryouma’s anxiously hopeful face, sighed, and tilted his head inquiringly at Raidou.

Usagi grinned. “Please, dad. The kids have earned some fun.”

“You are the worst captain,” Raidou told her, and appealed to sanity. “Lieutenant, what do you think?”

Before Genma could respond, Ginta slipped neatly into place behind him, and draped himself over Genma’s shoulders in a way that gave Raidou a brief, intense desire to punt him through a window. You are not the lieutenant I meant.

“I have never met a man more in need of a night off than you, Gen,” Ginta wheedled. “I’m pretty sure I could convince Toshirou-sensei to prescribe recreation as medically necessary.”

Genma sat entirely still until Ginta chuckled and released him. Then, as if Ginta hadn’t spoken, Genma turned to Raidou. “I think,” he said calmly, “that Ginta is an ass.” He swept a brief, appraising look over Kakashi and Ryouma, then Usagi, ignored Ginta, and came back around to Raidou. A tiny smile played at the corners of his mouth. “Sure. Let’s go. We could use the break. Might even be fun.”

Usagi whooped. Ryouma’s expression lit.

Raidou dragged a hand over his eyes. “If this ends in more paperwork, I will murder you all,” he muttered. “Fine, Hatake, make that delivery and then you’re free to go. Tousaki — I have no words. Usagi, I have even less words. Sakamoto, a moment of your time. Outside.”

“Ooh,” Usagi said. “Busted.”

For the first time since the mission had ended, Genma looked downright amused. And not, apparently, concerned about his friend being called to the mat.

Ginta grinned. “Sure we won’t need a referee?”

“You’ll survive,” Raidou said darkly, and knocked Usagi on the shoulder in passing. I’ll get you later.

She just laughed. You can try.

Ryouma, by contrast, looked worried that Raidou was actually mad at him. Raidou dropped a lighter hand on his shoulder, until he felt the muscles relax a fraction, and then sent Ryouma after Kakashi, who was already vanishing down the hallway.

Raidou turned the other way, trusting Ginta to follow. Behind them, he heard Usagi drop into his abandoned chair and ask Genma brightly whether he thought her burn scars would look cool.

The next hallway led onto a storage area. At this time of day, it was abandoned.

When he judged they were out of earshot, Raidou turned, folded his arms, and said, “Shiranui likes you. Usagi does, too. You seem like a decent lieutenant. I’m trusting, for now, that you have good motives around my rookies. If I’m wrong, we’re going to have a problem.”

Ginta lounged back against the wall, hands loosely tucked in his pocket, and met Raidou’s gaze. “Is there a reason you think I might do something inappropriate with them?”

“Maybe,” Raidou said. “Are you planning to?”