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Laws of Gravity [Aug. 1st, 2016|06:48 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2016-08-01 09:57 pm (UTC)


For a horrible second it had looked like Ryouma was going to cry.

Kakashi regarded his own letter warily. He didn't want to read it, especially with an audience. Whatever it contained, Katsuko wouldn't be any less gone. And if it held a good reason, she would have stolen his right to be angry, too.

Then again, there was an equal chance it was just a string of weird pet names and a doodle.

Or, as a very slim outlier, a coded message for help.

“Excuse me,” he said, and turned around on the bed to read.

To my dear, darling, fluffy-headed, cranky, first-and-only disciple,

I’m sorry. I left a lot of things unfinished, and I never intended to leave so soon. If I had a choice, I never would have left at all. But my orders came in straight from the top, so it’s off to Earth Country. A forcible retirement under orders from my father isn’t exactly how I thought I would be leaving ANBU, and I intend to have a word with him about it.

My kodachi is still with Megumi-sensei. I’ve left instructions for her to send it to you when the repairs are finished. Keep it safe for me, alright? Think of it as a promise. I’ll be coming back, and, if you’ll still have me as a teacher, our lessons will begin again. This isn’t an ending, just a necessary delay.

Besides, it's not every day that a samurai and a shinobi get the chance to work on their versions of the same sword style together. My mother can still show me a few new tricks. When I come back my Hyoho Niten will be stronger, and I will be a better teacher. I promise.

Bento (formerly known as the stinky cat) has informed me that he's tagging along with our official convoy to Earth Country. So far he's set off my father’s allergies and horked a hairball up on my mother’s shoes. He misses you.

I'm leaving my copy of the Scroll of Five Rings, Hyoho Niten’s manifesto, in my desk. It's got my old notes and diagrams in the margins. I hope you'll find them useful. Read them carefully; there will be a quiz when I get back.

I'm sorry I could only be your senpai for a short while. For what it’s worth, I've never felt as close to a team as I have with this one. There's something special about all of you. Something important. Keep the others safe for me, alright, Kakashi?

Farewell for now,

Your loving senpai, Katsuko