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Killing Time Between My Sins [Oct. 18th, 2015|07:12 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2015-10-18 11:42 pm (UTC)


“I’m always happy to help, Megumi-sensei,” Katsuko said, and bowed from the waist. “Hatake-san and I still have to pick up practice blades, so we won’t take anymore of your time. We’ll leave our information at the front desk.”

Megumi was still examining the pieces of Katsuko’s kodachi, but she glanced up at that. “Practice blades? I thought you used live steel for training.”

Katsuko refrained from beaming. “Not for teaching. Hatake-san is my student.”

“You’ve taken a disciple?” The swordsmith’s brows rose before she nodded in approval. “I’m glad you’re not letting Hyoho-Niten die out. Aida Tsuji’s shop closed down several months ago, but there are a few new stores on Craftsmen’s Street with practice swords that are almost as good.”

A few minutes later, after the customary round of farewells, Katsuko closed the door to Kanashige Forge behind her and squinted down at the handwritten list Megumi had pressed into her hand.

“First stop’s a couple blocks down,” she said, as Kakashi leaned over her shoulder to look. “Students have to carry all their teacher’s purchases.”

He gave her a significant side-eye. "The student might start to doubt his teacher's prowess."

“The teacher’s buying everything, so the student will have to deal.”

"Is the teacher aware that the student isn't destitute and can afford his own swords?"

“Oh, really?” Katsuko tapped the paper against her mouth in mock thought. “I remember you saying before the latest mission that it’s the teacher’s duty to provide for the student. Are you disagreeing with me just to be contrary? You should respect your elders, young man.”

He looked down at her from all his additional four inches of height. "Exactly how much older are you? A week?"

“I can’t hear you over the amount of respect you owe me,” Katsuko singsonged, and started off down the street. Behind her, Kakashi snorted.

Craftsmen’s Street sold every type of weapon imaginable, from basic shuriken to deadly, intricate war fans. There were blades in abundance; some swordsmithing families had owned stores on Craftsmen’s Street for generations, and the katana displayed in their shop windows were always thronged by a small crowd of admirers. Up-and-coming smiths and less prosperous weapons merchants had to make do with small stalls marching in a line down the street.