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Killing Time Between My Sins [Oct. 18th, 2015|07:12 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2015-10-18 11:40 pm (UTC)


Yoko stepped through the door first. A shorter woman followed her, dressed in sturdy canvas and a leather apron. Kokobushi Megumi didn’t have her uncle’s heavy eyebrows, or his hawking nose, but there was something reminiscent of the late master in her serious face. Her dark hair was cropped short. Soot streaked like a calligraphy stroke across her forehead. There were tiny rubies in both of her ears, and an old, healed burn mark on one cheek.

Her eyes went immediately to Katsuko’s sheathed kodachi, and Kakashi’s wrapped tanto.

“My apologies for the delay, I was attending to a tricky project.” She tilted her head inquiringly at Katsuko. “What have you broken now, Katsuko-san?”

“I’m hurt, Megumi-sensei,” Katsuko said, sounding anything but. She handed her kodachi over for inspection. “The break is jagged, but I have all the blade pieces. Also, I brought you a present.” She made a grand gesture in Kakashi’s direction. “This is Hatake-san.”

Kakashi said out of the corner of his mouth, “You can’t give me to people, Ueno.”

“If you can stoke a furnace, I’d be inclined to keep you,” Megumi said, apparently oblivious to the small, pained noises her mother was making. “I understand that you need a sheath?”

“I— lost the original,” Kakashi said. “Ueno tells me you’re the person to see for a replacement.”

“She flatters me,” Megumi said. “Any sword-smith in Konoha could make what you need, but I’d be honored to continue my uncle’s work. Please accompany me.”

She turned, taking Katsuko’s kodachi with her. Kakashi tucked his hands into his pockets and followed her through the sliding wooden door, Katsuko walking silently at his heels.