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Killing Time Between My Sins [Oct. 18th, 2015|07:12 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2015-10-18 11:34 pm (UTC)


The last time Katsuko had heard Kakashi laugh like that, he’d been drugged to the gills. She’d thought only divine intervention could make him laugh again; apparently, all it took was one fat feline with a deplorable personality.

Katsuko gave the cat one last sour look. It gleamed delighted smugness at her from its mountain of pillows. She rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her, leaving it to celebrate its victory in peace.

Out in the hall, she adjusted the wrapped hilt of her kodachi and glanced over at Kakashi’s own blade, which was stuck through his belt. “Was your tanto made by a Fire Country swordsmith?”

"No, but it was reforged by one," he said. "Kanashige."

Kanashige: Konoha’s legendary blade-maker, and one of the first killed during the Fox. Konoha had outlawed selling his blades outside of Fire Country. The lucky few who owned his blades guarded them jealously.

She let out a low whistle. “Fancy. You’re in luck, because Megumi-sensei is Kanashige’s niece. She’s as good as her uncle.”

Kakashi’s eyebrow creased in a frown. "I thought Kanashige's sister took over the shop after he died? I didn't know he had a niece."

“Most of the older crowd go to Kanashige’s sister. Megumi-sensei is just as skilled, but she’s not as well-known. Trust me.”

He flicked a sideways glance at her, weighing for just a moment. Then his eye crinkled. “Alright.”

Katsuko blinked at his easy agreement and looked away with a cough. “Anyway. My kodachi and katana were forged in Wind Country by Amakura. They use a different technique to fold steel over there, so a lot of the swordsmiths in Konoha weren’t trained to reforge them. Kokobushi-sensei’s one of about five smiths here who knows how.”

Kakashi nodded, interested. "Did you inherit them, or were they made for you?"

They’d left her apartment building a short while ago, but she hadn’t realized how close the turn onto Craftsmen’s Street was until she nearly missed it. She pivoted on her heel, sidestepping a merchant’s cart, and used the brief pause to collect herself. Hopefully Kakashi would think it was Konoha’s busy traffic that had rattled her, and not his question.

“I inherited my swords,” she said, when Kakashi caught up a second later. “From my mother.”