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Hold the Line [Aug. 30th, 2015|03:31 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]shiranui_genma
2015-08-30 10:47 pm (UTC)


“At least you got that,” Genma said. “I can’t even imagine trying to manage three rookies. How are you even still here?”

“I'm currently shelved for trauma counselling,” Raidou reminded him dryly. “Though our captain retired, so I guess it could be worse.”

“Retirement is definitely worse than getting a promotion to captain,” Genma agreed. “I won’t tell Ueno she had any role in your need for counseling, though, I think she’d take it too much to heart.” He’d meant it be light-hearted, but as soon as he said it, all he could picture was Ueno’s clone’s deeply troubled face that first night in the bunker, and picking shards of another man’s bone out of Raidou’s savaged knuckles.

Silence fell over the small office, soft and cradled by the lamp light. Genma found his gaze drawn to Raidou’s hands again, picturing the healing wounds beneath the bandages. After a moment, Raidou cleared his throat and rattled the page he was holding. “You didn't finish her professional development plan.”

“I didn’t,” Genma said, grateful for the chance to climb out of the hole he’d accidentally dug for them both. “I had some ideas, but… Well, if you hadn’t gotten the no-contact ban lifted, I was going to take them to Hajime and get his opinion. He’s well enough for visitors and more to the point, he’s well enough to be bored. He told me to come to him any time, so…” It felt strangely disloyal to admit he’d been planning to seek his former captain’s advice on managing Team Six.

Raidou nodded, looking thoughtful. “You could still do that. An opinion from the outside can help reframe a problem.”

“I could,” Genma agreed, “but I’d much rather have your opinion. I mean, they’re our subordinates. I was just — Hajime was my backup plan. I’m really glad you’re back, it makes this a lot easier.”

He took a full breath, feeling his ribs expand. It was a relief having Raidou back, even if just for a brief consultation. Had it really only been a month ago that Genma’d been having to remind himself that Raidou was not Hajime, and every little way he’d become comfortable working with his captain was out the window?

Raidou's mouth twitched towards a pleased smile, but he stayed on topic. "Ueno's not getting out of ANBU any time soon, so that leaves her two options for advancement.” He sketched two paths in the air with the edge of the paper. “Command track, or specialist. I can see arguments for both.”

“I was thinking command track,” said Genma. “So I’m glad to hear you lead with that. It surprised me, given my first impressions of her, but I think she’s got real leadership potential. She’s smart with the rookies. And when she has to take charge in the field, she has a surprising depth of native ability to command.” He spread his hands. “I was thinking I’d recommend she audit the officer’s prep class. Not enroll, just audit, so there’s no pressure. If she likes what she sees, she can take it for real next time around, and if she doesn’t, there’s plenty of time to look into Specialist development.”

“She's always her best in crunchtime,” Raidou said slowly. “If she could harness that…” He glanced over at Katsuko’s unoccupied desk. “You're right, I think the prep class would make a good fit. If she takes to it, we can give her more responsibility with the team, too.”

Genma smiled. “Good. That’s one down. I wish you were going to be here with me to tell her we’re recommending she take officer training. I’ll try to memorize her facial expression so I can describe it for you next time I see you.”

Raidou laughed, but the humor fled from his eyes a little too quickly, replaced by something bittersweet and regretful. He handed Katsuko’s review form back without quite meeting Genma’s eyes. “Who’s next?”