Saturday, December 21st, 2013

Who: Narcissa Black and Hermione Granger
What: Narcissa dos not need to have a babysitter to throw a ball.
When: Thursday, October 12
Where: Hermione's office, Ministry of Magic
Rating: PG

Narcissa wore a completely unamused face as she rode the elevator up to the office of one H. Granger. Really, all she wanted to do was give back to the community with a charity ball. The same thing she had been doing for the past decade it seemed. There wasn't really much else to do as Lucius Malfoy's wife ,other than be a socialite. So to think that she really needed a supervisor for this, as the ministry seemed to think, was preposterous. What's even more preposterous was that her supervisor was no older than her own son! She tried to keep it at that shallow level of meaning rather than think about the other reason why she didn't want to work with Hermione Granger.

She remembers vividly how Bella tortured the poor girl. She wanted to stand up and stop her sister, do something to help the Gryffindor, but she was powerless and she had Draco to think of.Still, Narcissa knew that she had many regrets in life, but not doing something to save Hermione that day will always be one of the biggest.

Sighing, Narcissa straightened up and put on her usual icy demeanor to intimidate anyone in her presence. Stepping off the elevator, on Hermione's floor, she made her way to Hermione's office. Once outside it, she did a once over on her outfit, a form fitting green robe, with grey linings that showed off a hint of leg and bright red lips to top off the refined look.

Knocking on the door, Narcissa waited on an answer, knowing the younger woman was there.
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Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Who: Pansy Parkinson and Narcissa Malfoy
What: Pansy is going to be a guest at the Malfoy Manor to start summer break.
When: June 1, 1997. Evening
Where: Malfoy Manor
Rating: Pg, to start anyways.

Pansy twirled a lock of her hair around her finger as the Hogwarts Express had pulled into King's Cross Station. The day had been a chore beyond words. The funeral had been oppressive and numbing. The ride home had not been any better. Everyone was walking around in a daze.

Her fellow Slytherins were so taken aback by the immense sorrow and anger of the rest of the students that none dared voice the joy that most felt about the death of that dithering old fool. Maybe Hogwarts might finally become a real school with him gone.

Having changed on the train, Pansy wore a green velvet robe with half sleeves and a slight v-cut hem at the bottom and neckline at the top. Her pair was piled atop her head in a carefully crafted bun held in place by a silver comb.

Draco hadn't been able to ride with her. She knew that he'd been involved with Dumbledore's fall. He had hinted but never confided in her. Like her, he had been scared and excited at the same time.

He had made it clear, weeks before, that Pansy was expected to come see him when summer break began. She had no idea it was going to be like when she arrived but she was excited.

In truth, she had been tiring of Draco, especially as his affections cooled but she was desperate to know what had gone on.

It didn't take her long to get to Diagon Alley. Knowing where she was going, Pansy took some Floo Powder when no one was around. Throwing it down, she announced "Malfoy Manor."

The flames swirled around her and carried her in a cone. Pansy saw a web of black energy… She was caught in the web leaving her bound in an actual web in the fireplace. Clearly, Draco had not seen to making sure she could get past the ward.

Held in place, she wore an annoyed expression as she looked about…
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