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Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

    Time Event
    Who: Megan Jones and Felicity Kensington
    What: Assignments are hard for Megan!
    Where: Outside the greenhouses
    When: September 16. 1pm
    Rating: PG, for now.

    Megan Jones was in trouble. She hadn't been paying attention in Herbology all year. Who could blame her though? She always met her best mate, Claire Runcorn, to smoke behind the greenhouses. It was usually not everyday and it usually wasn't weed. However, that had changed a few weeks ago. Now, there was an assignment due that was going to be very hard had she paid attention. Since she hadn't, she was basically screwed!

    Claire wasn't going to be any help. Plus, she had a "friend" that would probably just do it for her. Sadly, Megan didn't have anyone like that nor was that really her style. So, she needed some help. But who?

    If Megan needed help, there was one person who was an ideal candidate. Though, she really wasn't sure she would say yes. Waiting until after class, Megan saw her candidate and began to follow her.

    As usual, her black and yellow tie was askew as was her blouse. Her cloak hung loosely from her shoulders. Her light brown hair was hanging to her shoulders and she generally had a mildly disheveled appearance.

    "Hi, Felicia," she greeted the Ravenclaw. "How are you?" she asked in her thick, cockney accent.

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