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Friday, December 17th, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Heidi Macavoy and Tracey Davis
    What: Train ride to Hogwarts to start their 7th year!
    When: Wednesday, September 1
    Where: Hogwart's Express. Then Hogwarts.
    Rating: You know will be NC-17 eventually, I am sure!

    Tracey Davis had enjoyed her summer quite a lot. It was easy to forget the woes of the world when she was with Heidi. They had spent so much time together, in each other's arms, that they had found time for little else. Despite this, Tracey had missed Heidi when she had to go and practice Quidditch as her father and mother demanded.

    The summer at Macavoy Manor had been bliss...with a few sporadic moments of agony. To even think about it made Tracey have to bite back a groan. Heidi's parents hated her. There was no other explanation for her. They had made that clear. Luckily, they were not around much. That was the only nice thing Tracey could say about them.

    The news in the Daily Prophet had been hard to think about. The Death Eaters were back and stronger than ever. Her father's death, and the circumstances around it, made Tracey miserable so she tried not to think about it.

    Walking hand in hand with her girlfriend, she tried to steel her resolve to return to Hogwarts even though neither of them wanted to. However, the law made it clear that all students who had not completed their seventh year needed to return to Hogwarts.

    "Ready?" she asked Heidi softly as she glanced over at her as they neared the entrance to King's Cross station. Their trunks had already been taken by a porter at the top of the escalator. Glancing around, she saw lots of wizards dressed in poor similes of Muggle garb watching the students as they entered the station.

    Tracey was dressed in a vey proper gray sweater and matching skirt. Her blonde hair was down and she had very light make up on. She gave Heidi's hand a squeeze hoping to reassure them both that it would be all right.

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