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Friday, November 12th, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley
    When: One evening at Grimmuld while the Trio was on the run (mid Aug 1997)
    What: Ginny knows where the trio are, she wants to see Harry just one more time
    Where: Grimmuld Place
    Rating: NC17, Het

    This was by far one of the most foolish things Ginny Weasley had ever done. It was extremely late and this was exceptionally risky. There were several things that could go wrong in this situation; If Ron answered the door he would make her go home immediately. If Hermione answered she would chide Ginny about her safety and want her to return home as well. And of course she might wake the whole bloody lot of them up and end up getting jinxed and cursed six ways from Sunday. The only way this would work out was if Ginny could get into the house and up to Harry's room in Grimmuld Place without waking the others.

    She was wrapped in a midnight blue hooded traveling cloak over her summer night gown that she had pulled the hood up over her long, thick red hair to hide it in the pale light of a half moon. Apparating directly onto the top step like Bill had instructed her to do (he was the only one that seemed to understand her need to see Harry) she pulled the cloak tighter around herself and rushed to the door, tapping it with her wand and letting herself in.

    She felt the whoosh! of air she knew was coming, and closed her eyes as the faux ghost of Dumbledore came rushing towards her. Closing her eyes she whispered, "I didn't kill you Professor." Bill had warned her about all this as well but it was awful as the ghost exploded. She cringed and listened and heard nothing, no rushing down the stairs, no hushed and concerned voices from above.

    Creeping past the horrid portrait Mrs. Black, Ginny kept her feet light as a cat on the stairs. She crept past a room that defiantly housed her brother, his snoring was evident through the door. Hermione was in a room on the third floor, the door was slightly ajar. Ginny realized she knew where Harry was, in Sirius' old room. The door was shut and she entered as quietly as possible and closed it behind her, locking the brass snake embossed key into place so no one could let themselves in uninvited. She crept towards the bed and saw Harry sleeping there. Ginny dropped the cloak to the floor with a shrug of her shoulders and crawled into bed with him, leaning down and kissing his nose gently as she did.

    "Harry?" she whispered in a dreamy voice.

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