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Friday, August 20th, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Draco Malfoy and Hannah Abbott
    What: Train ride to Hogwarts
    When: August 29, 1997.
    Where: Hogwarts Express
    Rating: PG, to start
    Notes: Draco and Hannah need their own PSL. Wooo.

    Draco was moving around the house frantically. This was the day that could prove disastrous. Hannah would need to get out of Malfoy Manor and to King's Cross Station on her own. He had made sure she had a window to go out of and had made a gesture to her that could cost him his life if it was ever found out.

    He had stolen something Rabastan would have been livid about if he knew what had happened to it.

    When Draco had left his room, he had left Hannah's wand sitting on his bed where she would easily see it.

    Draco still couldn't believe he had done it. It was stupid and sentimental. It was foolish in the extreme.

    But, he had to. He had no control over anything in life. He knew he at least had some control over this.

    Draco did he best to remain calm as his parents escorted him to King's Cross. He wore a perfectly tailored black suit that complimented his thin physique. He had his wand tucked away where it could be reached easily.

    Things different. Ministry officials were everywhere. It was amazing how fast someone went from wanted Death Eater to Ministry Official. He sneered at some of the Gryffindors that wandered by.

    He tried not to look around, that wasn't what he did, but he was worried. He hadn't seen Hannah yet.

    Kissing her mother goodbye, he shook his father's hand and got onto the train.

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