Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Heidi Macavoy and Tracey Davis
    What: Tracey made Heidi a promise but has since forgotten all about it!
    When: February 6th, 1997. Noon
    Where: Heidi's dorm room to start. Then, the Quidditch Pitch.
    Rating: NC-17. Are we really shocked? ;)

    Tracey was prancing around Heidi's room as she cleaned and tidied up a bit. She had been staying there as much as she could lately. She'd already gotten multiple detentions from Professor Snape for not being in her room. But, it was worth it. She hated going back to the Slytherin Dungeon. She hated going back almost as much as it seemed her housemates hated having her there.

    "Some girls, like to run around…like to handle everything they see!" Tracey sang as she dusted some of Heidi's trophies with a feather duster. "But my girl, has more fun around, because I know she'd rather be with me!"

    "Me-oh-my…lucky girl that's what I am. Tell you why you'll understand. She don't fly although she can!" She chuckled at the lyric, amused by the flying part.

    "Some girls like to run around, they don't think about the things they do," Tracey sang, changing the lyric slightly. "Bu this girl, wants to settle down and you know she'd rather be with you!"

    "Ba ba ba ba bababa," she sang, shaking her bum back and forth as she did. Tracey wore a pair of gold shorts she had stolen from Heidi because she had run out of clean clothes. The Quidditch shorts, were very tight on her, but not in an unflattering way. She wore Cedric's jersey too since Heidi seemed not to mind.

    Continuing to shake her bum, she pranced around the room even jumping on the bed. It was a rare thing, but she was in a good mood. Things had been so miserable lately but she would have the whole day to spend with Heidi and no one would be around!

    What a great way to spend Valentine's Day, even if it was a week early because that was when the Hogsmeade trip was scheduled for.

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