Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Monday, January 25th, 2010

    Time Event
    Who: Katie Bell and Fleur Delacour
    What: Katie needs to convince Professor Delacour to get some extra credit.
    When: January 23rd, Monday 1997. 3:00pm
    Where: Charms Classroom, Fleur's room.
    Rating: NC-17

    Katie had been distracted all through class. Scratch that, she had been nervous all day. Her uniform felt too tight and she was too warm. Her cheeks were a little pink and she had to put her hair up earlier because it was driving her nuts down.

    She wore her glasses but must have taken them off and put them back on twenty times over the course of Charms Class. Needless to say, she really hadn’t picked up much of anything that Professor Delacour was saying. Maybe she really would need the extra credit she was asking for at this rate.

    Once class had been dismissed, Katie slowly went about getting her books and such together so the class had cleared out and she was the last one left by the time she had managed it. Taking a deep breath to steel herself, she approached Fleur as she sat at her desk.

    “Professor?” Katie asked softly, her voice cracking a little. She had to look down to get the rest out. “May I speak to you for a moment?”

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