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Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    Who: Megan Jones and Claire Runcorn
    What: Claire has to tell Megs about the dish she has on Professor Vector. And the girl's who has caught the Slytherin's eye.
    When: September 22, 11pm well past curfew.
    Where: Hufflepuff tower. Megan's room.
    Rating: Pg-13.
    Warnings.: None.
    Note: Part of the Tracey/Heidi main SL.

    After spending a bit of time thinking of her next plan of action concerning her new found interest, Julia Abernath, Claire decided she should probably leave the owlry and tell Megan all the news she had discovered. Never one to be afraid of being caught after curfew, Claire had become a master at avoiding prefects and wandering professors.

    Rounding the corner, Claire almost ran smack into none other than Hannah Abbott. The girl looked at her with a bit of shock, clearly not expecting her on her way back to her room after she had finished patrolling.

    "Claire." Hannah said, trying to regain her thoughts. "What are you doing out so late?"

    "Just thinking." Claire shrugged honestly. Thinking back to the conversation she had Megan had had about the slim blonde in front of her, Claire grinned, now looking at her in a new, innocent, hot light. No, no, she's Megs girl... "Heeeey, Hannah, can you do me a huge favor? You'd be doing Megan one too." she knew Mentioning Megan would get her somewhere.

    Hannah blushed at the mention of Megan but still tried to keep some authority. "I should be giving you detention and taking points from your house...but what do you need?" she sighed.

    Claire chuckled. "If it makes you feel better you can take away some points from Slytherin." Claire didn't care about the house cup. "You were going back to Hufflepuff to turn in, right? Can I go with you to speak to Megan about something? It's really important."

    Sighing, Hannah was just a nice enough person to give in to Claire's charming grin. "Sure, Come on. And twenty points from Slytherin." Hannah said as she began walking. Her mind worrying and getting jealous at Claire's late-night call to Megan where they could be doing Merlin knows what.

    Arriving at the towed, Claire followed Hannah in and bid her goodnight as she headed to her private prefect's room and Claire headed to Megan and Susan's room. Sneaking in the room, Claire appreciated that Susan slept like a rock. Slinking over to Megan's bed, Claire slipped off her shoes and climbed in behind the sleeping girl. "Megs, wake up." she whispered, adding a few pokes to the side when there was little answer. "I have important things to tell you."

    Since her meeting with Julia, Claire was more awake than ever.
    Who: Megan Jones and Professor Vector
    What: Claire has talked Megan into doing something crazy!
    When: September 25th. Wednesday, 8:30pm
    Where: Arithmancy Classroom/Vector's Office
    Rating: NC-17, if Megan and Claire have anything to say about it!
    Warnings: None

    Megan was glad that Claire had stayed with her Sunday night because it made it easier to wait for a good assignment to hatch their plan for Professor Vector. They had talked a little more about things, but mostly they had just kissed and played. It was nice and a little different than usual since they'd had their desperate shag the morning before.

    Wednesday had yielded a long and complicated assignment that the two had been waiting for. One mild distraction until then was that Hannah seemed…less enthusiastic than she had been. Hannah gave her a few looks that weren't all that nice but she really hadn't had a chance to ask her about it.

    Pushing away the mixed emotions, Megan had dove head first into getting things ready to go to Professor Vector. Claire had taken her duty of "firing Megan up" very seriously because Megan was ready to leap out of her skin by the time Claire was done.

    The scratch of the quill on her skin was intoxicating and her fingers and lips drove Megan wild. Amusingly enough, she didn't really ever touch her in a sexual way. It was almost worse than it was with Hannah because she knew that Claire would love to shag her silly and wasn't!

    Dressing in very modest clothing, Megan was pretty much covered from head to foot. That was a rare thing for her. She'd needed to pull out a dress from second year and charm it larger so she could wear it.

    Giving Claire a sly wink, Megan started to head off towards the Arithmancy classroom. She got a weird look from Ron Weasley, who was on Prefect duty, but he didn't way anything since it wasn't actually curfew yet.

    After arriving, Megan lightly knocked on Professor Vector's locked door and hoped she was actually there.

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