Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

    Time Event
    Lieutenant Adam Washington and the men and women of his unit stood around the sealed room deep within a underground bunker. Even though they were so deeply underground, the walls still shook, sending dust falling from the ceiling. They were all wearing their Wraith armor and were armed with their pulse rifles. A trio of witches were busy chanting, ignoring the shaking of the walls.

    "So this is supposed to get us some creature to stop the one above ground?" Carter asked his CO.

    Adam nodded, not sure what the witches were up to. They said they were going to summon something to stop the demon destroying D.C. above them, but they didn't say what or how it would stop the creature. Outside the sealed room were a lot more soldiers and a nuke to contain thesummoned creature should it prove uncontrollable.

    "Affirmative. Be prepared to fight the ugliest, most horrific monster you have ever seen. Worse then the one above us. But only if the witches can't control it."

    His unit all acknowledged, and they got ready. Raising their rifles, they powered them on just before the chanting stopped. With an anti-climatic flash, there was suddenly a...girl?

    "Oh my God! It's so horrible! We're all gonna die! I just wet myself!" Carter joked, faking hysteria much to the amusement of his laughing comrades.

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