Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Friday, December 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Elly Branstone and Garnet Lavenia Draiden
    What: First train ride to Hogwarts!
    When: Early September, 1990
    Where: Hogwarts Express
    Rating: G

    Eleanor Branstone walked through the corridors of the train looking for a spot. She was so uncomfortable. Her mother had fussed over her and dressed her up like a little doll. Her dress shoes were too tight and stiff, her long wool skirt was itchy and the matching jumper wasn't much better. Plus, she had knee stockings on. She hated knee stockings!

    Her hair itched from where it was pinned up in barrettes that held her strawberry blonde hair back and over her ears. She had wanted to wear nail polish but her mother had scrubbed it off. Elly felt like a six year old not a girl that was almost twelve!

    Sighing, she looked at all the older kids. Intimidated by them, she hooped to find an empty car to sit in. Shyly, she chewed her bottom lip as she wandered. Finding an empty car, she was just about to go inside when she was shouldered out of the way by much older kids; a boy and a girl. She made a face as she watched them start to snog before running away in disgusted terror.

    Finding another car, Elly moved inside and sat. She had been so anxious for school. What had she been thinking? She hoped that she wouldn’t start to cry…

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