Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Thursday, August 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Ginny Weasley and Heidi Macavoy
    What: Heidi needs to confess to someone.
    When: March 16th, 8pm
    Where: Quidditch Pitch, to start
    Rating: R

    Ginny was so sore. She was limping away from the Quidditch Pitch in a pair of green, corduroy overalls, a red jumper and her trainers. It wasn’t that she’d gotten hurt by falling or anything. Katie had decided that the team lacked conditioning. So, for two days in a row, they spent ninety of practice doing calisthenics and running. Ginny thought that she might die.

    In revenge, Ginny had decided that Katie wasn’t going to get any love that night. It didn’t matter that neither of them were likely to be able to lift their arms, let alone do anything else.

    She was tempted to go to the Prefect’s Bathroom and drown herself in the tub to put her out of her misery. Either way, a nice long soak would surly help. Though, some food might be a good idea first.

    Walking towards the school, Ginny’s mind was blank as found she was only able to concentrate on her aching body.

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