Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Friday, January 18th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Alice and Bella
    What: Bella's annoyed.
    When: Sometime...during school.
    Where: At school.
    Rating: R/NC-17

    Bellatrix huffed, brushing dark bangs from her face as she made her way out of the castle. It had been another confrontation in which a teacher interveened, which semmed to be happening a lot lately. Were they all watching her? Keeping a close eye one her, or something, because it sure felt like it. It was rather...annoying.

    It just so happened, that this time it was Lily Evans that she had confronted. It had been subtle, of course...not something that would have been noticed had it not been for that stupid prat of a cousin she had. Glaring at the lake, she remembered what it was said, ultimately ending with Evans spatting 'I hate you,' looking rather red in the face and quite childlike, and then the head of her house coming over and taking points from her. From her! What sort of foolishness was this?

    Just thinking about only served to make her annoyance more so than it should have been, unsure why though...

    Current Mood: awake

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