Dec. 18th, 2010


Mona + Riley - hello, how are you, I know you, I knew you

Characters involved: Mona & Riley
Location: Victory Grocery Store
Time: November

The inevitable conclusion

lolol who saw this coming?

Also I am done spamming for the day.

'Oh, wow, Riley, you're so cool helping the impoverished!' )
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Mona + Riley - what were you expecting, anyway?

Characters involved: Mona & Riley
Location: Their apartment.
Time: Pre-timeskip, pre-flu, autumn

Hey dudes so this was hanging out in my inbox. It's a surprise!!

This was bad, this was, this was just word vomit. )
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Aug. 9th, 2010


Riley + Mona :: and now for something completely different

Characters involved: Riley and Mona
Where: Riley's office in the AM complex
When: ...recently

So Green and I were like, "Hey, sometimes it must suck when your friends are your superiors at work!"

And also some stuff about Mack being super important playerceeeest but I will leave those specifics up to Miss Green and Miss Mini.

Yeah. She was never going to see those papers again. )
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