An AU, Post-Hogwarts Harry Potter game. Non-Epilogue Compliant.

The Soul Mate Potion

Everyone wants to know who their Soul Mate is. That one person who can complete them like no other. It was near impossible to do so, happening purely by accident and fate. But not anymore... now anyone can have a little help finding them... for a price. Can you pay the price?

February 3rd, 2013




Who | Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy
When | February 2nd [Backdated]
Where | The Ministry
What | GENDER SWAP! An entertaining perspective
Rating | PG-13
Status | Closed. Complete.

Only in the Wizarding world on a Saturday do you have men turning into woman. )




Who | Adrian, Miles, Clint, brief appearance of Elizabeth Pucey (NPC)
When | February 2nd, Mid Afternoon
Where | Pucey Manor
What | Adrian has boobs. The boys want to mock him.
Rating | PG, language
Status | Closed. Complete.

if you're bound to wake up one morning with something foreign on your body ... a pair of breasts is not so bad, considering ... )