An AU, Post-Hogwarts Harry Potter game. Non-Epilogue Compliant.

The Soul Mate Potion

Everyone wants to know who their Soul Mate is. That one person who can complete them like no other. It was near impossible to do so, happening purely by accident and fate. But not anymore... now anyone can have a little help finding them... for a price. Can you pay the price?

January 21st, 2013



HOWLER to Harry Potter

Who: Harry & Ginny via Howler
What: A Howler & an Owl?
When: After lunch.
Where: Ministry of Magic; Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Auror Division; Harry's Desk

Howler to Harry Potter )




Who | Harry and Draco
When | Shortly after this
Where | Ministry of Magic
What | Harry needs to calm himself
Rating | PG, for language
Status | Closed. Complete.

if looks could kill, there would be little left of the ministry )



[No Subject]

Who: Penny, Oliver and Katie
When: Sunday afternoon - Backdated 1/20
Where: Oliver's house in Scotland
What: Friendly fun time!
Rating: Low

Snow time! )