Ame's Weirdness

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Ame's Weirdness
Ame's Weirdness


October 13th, 2009

Death and Justice Horatio Caine/Methos PG13 1/1

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Title: Death and Justice
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: CSI Miami/Highlander: The Series
Pairing: Horatio Caine/ Methos pre-slash
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Small mention of different methods of death, but nothing real graphic.
Summary: The Miami team gets a new medical examiner. One who is a bit of an expert on death.
Word Count: 2148
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]vinnebatman. Thank you for pinch betaing love! It's also all her fault that I'm now picturing Horatio as a Mountie. Even if he would look bad in serge.

Notes: I've long wanted to make Methos a CSI. Peter Parker too, but Methos would make a great ballistics tech. Then I watched Bolt Action last week and then a Highlander later than night and squeed at the thought of Methos being an ME for Horatio's team. After all, he'd know a hell of a lot about different ways to kill people and if he wanted to changes lives it would be a radical departure. Who would look for Methos working for the police department? Especially if his relationship with MacLeod didn't work out? So yeah, here it is! Just to let y'all know, I'm opening this up for other writers! So if you get a bunny and want to write it or add more to this, go ahead as long as you credit me for this bit. Enjoy the story!

Death and Justice )

August 22nd, 2009

Main Categories

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer


CSI Miami

CSI New York

Doctor Who/Torchwood

Harry Potter




Stephen King

The Sentinel

Pirates of the Caribbean

Classic Battlestar Galactica

Marvel Comics

CSI Miami Master List

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Ring Tone -- Horatio/Speed

Friday Night Drive -- Horatio/Speed

A Kiss is a Terrible Thing to Waste -- Horatio/Speed


New York State of Mind -- CSI NY/CSI M -- Danny/Speed

Closed For Business -- CSI M/The Stand -- Horatio/Speed

Death and Justice -- CSI M/Highlander -- Horatio/Methos

Ring Tone Speed/Horatio Rated PG 1/1

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Title: Ring Tone
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Horatio/Speed
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Maybe a bit OOC?
Summary: Speed sneaks and changes Horatio's ring tone.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you dearest!

Notes: Okay, this is the first time I've written anything in this fandom, so I'm hoping my Horatio and Speed aren't too OOC. I'd like to think they'd tease each other a bit when it's just them. Thanks to my Suki dearest for the lovely prompt of a parking lot. I'm trying to retrain myself to write ficlets and short bits of fiction and she's helping me out.

Ring Tone )

The Friday Night Drive H/Speed Rated PG 1/1

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Title: The Friday Night Drive
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairing: Horatio/Speed
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Umm, motorcycles and fluffiness maybe?
Summary: Two men and a motorcycle.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you dearest!

Notes: This is just a fluffy little ficlet based on a mental image of a motorcycle going over the bridges that connects the Keys to the mainland of Florida. I've never been there though, so if I get something wrong, I'm truly sorry about that folks. It's meant with great love for the area. It sounds damn pretty, even if it is warm and sunny down there.

The Friday Night Drive )

New York State of Mind - Danny Messer/Tim Speedle Rated R 1/1

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Title: New York State of Mind
Author: [info]amejistuo
Fandom: CSI NY/ CSI Miami
Pairing: Danny Messer/Speed
Rating: R for language
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Mild Spoilers for CSI Miami's Lost Son. This takes place after the CSI Miami episode MIA/NYC Nonstop but before CSI New York's first episode, Blink.
Summary: Danny's new lover comes to New York for a visit on vacation.
Word Count: 2,202
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you love! I'll totally corrupt you to crime shows yet!

Notes: Just a short little bunny that popped in my head and drove me nutso until I wrote it. Enjoy!

New York State of Mind )

Closed for Business -- H/Speed Rated R 1/1

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Title: Closed for Business
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: CSI:Miami/The Stand with various characters from other fandoms mentioned.
Pairing: Horatio/Speed
Rating: Hard R
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Character Deaths, some graphic images described.
Summary: Horatio put on his sunglasses and slowly turned around in a circle, taking one final look at the water and the city he'd loved. "It looks like Miami is finally closed for business."
Word Count: 4,268
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you dearest! You're wonderful!

Notes: First of all, I want to point out that this is a story that's a crossover with The Stand. As such, just about everyone and their brother has died. Died as in dead. D-E-A-D. It is a death!fic! There are a few graphic descriptions of certain people's deaths and other iggy things that happen. While I can, and will promise you that the main pairing, Horatio/Speed, have made it through the Flu, just about everyone else is dead.

I don't want to ruin the surprise for people, but just the fact that this is crossed over with The Stand should give people the clue that not many people made it through the Flu. I just didn't want someone to read this and go "Why didn't you say it was a deathfic?" It is! So don't say I didn't warn you!

And while it is a death fic, I gotta say it's still awfully fluffy. Sort of. You won't want to slash your wrists or anything. There's hope at the end of it, at least I think so. I know I'm spoiling y'all even more by saying that but I'm the type of person who sees Death Fic as a warning and shies away and I didn't want to scare y'all too badly.

So ... yeah. Hope you like the story! And that's just odd to say about a death fic. ~rolls eyes at self~

Closed For Business )

A Kiss is a Terrible Thing to Waste -- Horatio/Speed Rated R 1/1

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Title: A Kiss is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Author: [info]amejisuto
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Horatio/Speed
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Highlight for Warnings: **
This story centers around the events of Lost Son, so yeah character death issues. Get the snot rags out. If I did this right, I'm gonna make you sniffle at the very least.
Summary: What if Horatio would have found the right words to give Speed the strength to stay alive after being shot? What if he didn't? A look at the If Onlys.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue! And many thanks to [info]azurehart and [info]calic0cat for going over this story too. I was mean and wanted opinions on what would make y'all cry the most.

Notes: This story started out with two ideas. One is one of the bits of the fic, the one with Speed humming. You'll know it when you see it. The other was the idea that just about everyone who writes Horatio/Speed has to write a fic dealing with Lost Son at some point in time. It's one of those rules, like if you love Spike/Xander you have to rewrite School Hard at some point, and most Tony DiNozzo fans write something around Boxed in. So yeah, here is my version. I used to read Marvel's What If ... ? comics a lot as a kid so this is a What if ... sort of thing. I used some dialog from the transcripts of the show itself, just to be accurate. Well, up until I change things.

Oh, I also used a line from a different show, virtual peanut butter cookies to whoever can find it. And while my Buffy readers know very well that I have an obsession with using Meat Loaf songs as inspiration and titles, this fact may be new to some people. I actually wrote most of this story while listening to this song and all three Bat Out of Hell CD's over a long period of time since I got stuck in the middle. Anyhoo, hope you like it!

A Kiss is a Terrible Thing to Waste )
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