May. 12th, 2011


Just a quick note

A section on canon characters has been added to the premise post, and the faq has had another section added. Check them out when you have a min!

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Storylines, who's up for what?

Hello all! Here is where you can discuss story-lines you'd like to make happen, both for characters you've already apped and those you plan to sign up to the game. What kind of interactions are you interested in, and what kind of plots do you want to cook up? Since we're spread out over quite a few time zones, I thought a central discussion post would be useful.

Mar. 5th, 2011


Yes, have some

There is no denying that I have a stack of characters, too many for me to expect you guys to keep track of them easily, especially when I've been slow at getting their bios up. >_> So I thought I'd give you some quick thumbnail sketches of each of them.

Starting with the five I plan to focus on... )

And then the rest... )

Hope that helps! And hopefully there won't be too many more to come, though we all know how that goes. O_o Comment here, on contact posts or ping me on AIM to discuss lines!

ETA: Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I've come up with a quick and ugly MacEibhir family tree.

Feb. 25th, 2011



Just a couple of tidbits of info that might be of interest:

Information is going into the FAQ post. Some are questions that have been asked, others are things that might be useful to people getting started in the game. Drop a comment if you think of anything else that should go in there!

I'm going to start joining the visionschat AIM chat on the weekends and sending people invites as we get a few online. If you can join yourself, feel free to do so at any time of course, weekends or no. The chat is for everyone to use whenever you feel like it.

People have been posting in their character journals, and we should see our first scene posts in [info]do_i_dream this weekend. I am excite!

ETA: If you want to generate some storyline ideas, go right ahead and post here in the OOC comm as well as kicking things around in AIM chat. Intro away!

That's it for right now, so comment here or at the drop box if you have any questions.

Feb. 6th, 2011


Let's get this party started!

The game is set up and ready, the first characters have been added, so it's high time to make this official: Visions Dancing is open for business!

Look over the premise if you haven't already, read our very small list of rules and guidelines, check out the cast list if you like and when you're ready, submit your characters. If you're having trouble deciding what should go in your bio post, feel free to use this guy's as a guide, and leave any other questions you may have in the drop box.

Welcome to all of you! Kick back and have fun with it; I know I will.