-= Alterius the No Zone : OOC Community =-

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+ WARNING: ZONE INVASION + Sep. 26th, 2010 @ 07:13 pm

A new outbreak has occurred in the worst possible way. Tears in the fabric of the zone have allowed for shear infection to infiltrate Alterius. Outsiders are seeping in carrying a strain of zombification, mimicking the living dead as they spread throughout the zone. The shear itself appears to be spread by a bite from an infected person that breaks skin.

Civilians are warned to be wary of any suspicious individuals lumbering around and asked to please report any activity to the authorities. Self defense is stressed to help prevent the spread of the plague.

Zone Cops will be in deployment to attempt to contain the infection. The shear itself seems to lift over time, leaving those infected back to normal. Detainment appears to be the best option, but death does not appear to be permanent either. Restraint is stressed! Blip technology has been distributed as well as armaments.

How A Shear Works:

Basically, reality is going to bend around your character. How far that bend goes is up to you. it could alter them entirely and they never realize that they're meant to be different than they are now. Or, the changes could happen and they could be perfectly aware that this is very wrong.

They're highly chaotic in nature so what affects one person, may not affect another. Someone could be altered for only a few hours, they could be altered for days, or even a full week.

This shear is a bit different this time around - due to the nature of it, and will begin as soon as Thursday, September 30th at 11:59PM CST and run until Thursday, October 7th at 11:59PM CST.

Be on the lookout for any updates from Headquarters in regards to the intensity of this outbreak.
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