-= Alterius the No Zone : OOC Community =-

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Sooooooo.... Jun. 14th, 2011 @ 11:27 pm
... I've been waffling over this for a while now.

I miss Kokueimai. A lot. But the trouble has been, the Koku I miss most isn't exactly the one I was playing here, before. I miss the Kokueimai. The one I've been RPing here and there for the last several years. The kinda messed up one with the tangled background. My actual muse, not a complete rewrite/AU of him.

So Koku is coming back to Alterius. But he's not the one that was here before. He's not the one who was enlisted in the Academy and working on becoming a Striker and all that. This is normal Koku. With a bit of a twist because I like the Alchemy thing and so does he. It's rapidly becoming just part of who he is, in my head. So it's okay.


I just want to play him as I should have from the get go, probably. The messed up little raver boy who likes poetry, prose and video games. ♥

He should still be on all your lists. I'll post with his intro as new!old!Koku soon. ♥

See Ya, Cowboy Jun. 4th, 2011 @ 10:43 am
It's time to stop pretending the characters are here and it's time to stop pretending I'm here.

Dropping my characters. Feel free to take over or mod any of the ZC as necessary. If anyone needs to contact me, my email is always open (lunarflight_at_gmail_dot_com) or I can be found on twitter.

Take care and keep it awesome, guys--Oh wait, I know you will. <3

friend remove obsidian_waters
friend remove sin_and_blood
friend remove sexinthelab
friend remove effinlittleray
friend remove crystal_bullet

May. 30th, 2011 @ 03:58 pm
Hot on the heels of Hotstuff McPointyThing, comes a frigid bitch out of fucking nowhere!

So uh, stupid fowls, eh? Let's add to the confusion and say this is Channy apping Jet :B

Except he's not quite the Jet you know.

He's not an ExGear World Champion. He's hardly been flying in his life. But he's still quite a good thief and loves nothing more than running through his kingdom on a fine winter's day. Snow, sleet and all~

He might even show you a fancy trick or two if you ask him nicely~

Add the little frost siege, will you~? ♥

._.; May. 30th, 2011 @ 12:54 am
Soooooooooooo uhhhhhhhhhm...

Yes, uh, hi? It's me again?

Yes, I know this is my third new character in as many weeks but, uh... well... uh... no, I don't really have an excuse! Other than I've had this guy in my head since before November of last year and I've loved playing him, privately, and I want to play him again..?

It's another blue thing, yes. It's an epidemic, yes.

This one is different, though. He'll be familiar in some ways, seeing as he's a knight! But rather than his sword being magic... well... he is. He's pretty powerful at that.

And totally hot stuff~

So, please add the fire knight? ♥

*runs away from everybody* ;; ♥♥♥

*SOB* May. 27th, 2011 @ 01:57 am
So... you know the post with Light and Twi getting hit on by a fiesty flirty little girl Sonic?

Guess who decided this meant she was finally a full fledged muse?

Yeah... meet Sonikk. Yes, spelled like that, because double K's are cooler. That's what she tells me anyways.

She's quite the little handful, this one. Some of you may already know of her, from places other than that post. She's a little bit of a celebrity~ If you're into metal/death metal then you'll definitely have heard of her. She's the lead singer of the band Darksoul~ They're kinda new to the scene, having recently been runners up on one of AltTVs big reality talent shows. But that's where the magic starts, right?

Also she has a neat trick. A REALLY neat trick. If you go see her in concert, you might get to see~

Go ahead and add the little flirt~

Start bowin', bitches~ May. 17th, 2011 @ 06:28 pm
Sooooo... I'm finally giving in to him. Stupid bastard.


Because clearly, Carrie hasn't got enough characters... you get someone new! He's mean, he's green and he's all royalty, baby~

Though he may really surprise you, too.

So, yeah! Add the bastard~ And I'll figure out how to write his intro post... |Db ♥

.: Incident :. May. 12th, 2011 @ 05:16 pm
So.. uh... I'D MEANT TO DO THIS THIS MORNING BUT uh I kind of was half awake and wobbled off to bed and forgot. HI, IT'S ME. |D

Anyways! Yes! There has been an incident. >w> *coughs*

During the early morning shift, Commander Zed and Lieutenant Streak went to perform one of the new inspection rotations that have been instated on the holding facilities beneath headquarters. It's a new policy that's only been in place for a couple of weeks now, to supplement the new security features that have been installed as well.

Streak wound up testing these new features out.

Not long after the two entered the area, there was a large burst of psychokinesis recorded, which triggered the initial security lock down. Immediately afterwards, an even larger burst was recorded, attempting to hold the doors open. Which triggered a complete and total sealing of the area, as per the new systems, locking the holding area up tight, sealing it from psychokinesis, blip technology, magics and Chaos. Leaving it completely impenetrable, just as it was designed to.

And leaving Zed and Streak caught inside.

As per the new rules, they went in weaponless and comm-less. The new security systems cannot be disengaged until every unit in the holding area has been verified as still showing sealed and functioning, through HQ computers. This verification has to be done manually, by those with the proper clearance. Seeing as Zed and Streak have just been locked inside... that leaves Deus, Twilight, Carmen, Hedwig, Inle and Machina to do this. Thousands of units have to be manually verified.

Zed and Streak are going to be a while.

The security system can, at the very least, verify that there are only two life forms moving about within the holding area, though! And other than the initial two PK blasts, there has been nothing else. No Chaos, magic or weapon discharges. Which means the two are alone in there and safe! Just... stuck.

Which is exactly what they need to be. Trapped together for hours on end, unable to avoid each other and comm-less.

You may now flail. 8D *RUNS AWAY* ~~~~~ \o\ ♥♥♥

THIS PLACE NEEDS SOME MORE DOOM Apr. 14th, 2011 @ 12:53 am
...well, I threatened it and then once I got to thinking about it---he just kind of weaseled his way in and keeps going oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o oDo o3o up against the glass at me so...



8D FRESH OUT OF THE ACADEMY AND NEW TO HQ - YOUR ANNOYANCE LEVELS JUST WENT UP. Somehow the little shit got out of it with a 4.0 GPA and no one knows fucking how either - but he'll still be working on getting through the Striker program, since that's more advanced blah blah blah like you could keep Expy out of that one.


oh and ps his codename is azure

*runs very very far away*

Current Mood: mischievous

A NEW CHALLENGER APPROACHES Mar. 15th, 2011 @ 10:31 am
Lock up your treats and candy, Alterius! Your Silver variant population just doubled! Nothing is safe! 383 ♥

Say hello to Aqua~! Bright, cheerful, spunky, spontaneous, friendly and helpful!

Also a girl~ *gasps from the audience*

She'll be dropping in, officially, soon enough. I'm sure she'll cause all kinds of mischief when she does~ 3>3 ♥

Add the little gigglebutt!

Hopefully her sense of fashion won't blind anybody. Well... immediately anyway... >w>;;;
Current Mood: cheerful

No One Is Surprised This Is Happening... And If You Are - You Shouldn't Be Mar. 9th, 2011 @ 11:57 am
You know that zone cop that I play over at Redux? The cute one that's a sweetheart and really fun to play? Well, you're not seeing double - OR ARE YOU!?

Apparently I want to play him over here too - SO NOW YOU WILL ALL SUFFER.

But he's not a lieutenant this time around! Because really, that'd be hard to explain and it's much more fun to play a different time frame of a character to explore all facets. SO HI - HAVE A RECRUIT BOY. HE WON'T GO AWAY.

8| I hate it when Car's right about shit. Clearly tangenting when he was younger made ANOTHER ONE SPROUT UP IN MY HEAD. GOD. DAMN. IT.

You know you want to add Zion so he can break everyone's brain with another tatterhog running around oDoa

While he probably won't be intro'd until...later (whenever Chan's around because IT'S WAY TOO MUCH FUN TO MAKE STREAKY FREAK OUT) - I'm impatient and I wanted to update the lists anyway so...add him and be prepared for even more adorable. o3o ♥♥♥

*now off to plot a Mira post to tease Tatters about his date~*
Current Mood: mischievous

It Was Only A Matter Of Time Dec. 27th, 2010 @ 03:56 pm
Clearly Alterius needed more sexy lady entrepreneurs around here~

I've been meaning to pick her up for awhile but with work and all...yeah. |D Had a spare moment to finally get her account ready and well, here you go.

:D Say hello to Miranda (or Mira to those close to her), a Rouge variant that owns a local bookstore called 'Under The Covers,' conveniently located next to one of the many coffee shops in order to catch all buhs and Shadow variants into coming into her shop.

Be dears and add her, won't you? C8 ♥♥♥
Current Mood: mischievous

Dec. 26th, 2010 @ 12:20 pm
Even though almost everyone knows already I figured I'd do one of these anyway.

Seven... broke pretty badly during my attempts to fix her to make her less violent and aggressive, and I figured that no one would want to play with her after that so I had to drop her. So friend remove capax_infiniti, maybe someday I can rework her so that she's less likely to wind up eternally imprisoned.

HOWEVER in the resulting discussion Carrie enabled me to bring in someone new. So add the Shadow in Seventh Fonist clothing. Maybe she'll even sing for you.

And now, Chibi's characters' lists of crap! (A-again.) Dec. 25th, 2010 @ 12:46 am
Well then, let's get to it!

Cut for long )
Current Mood: cold

Merry Christmas! Dec. 24th, 2010 @ 11:40 pm
Well, given the epic, Christmas shopping hasn't exactly been high on my muses' priority list oDo; but they've managed to pull a few things together. Here are the main gifts they'll be giving out~

On the twelfth day... )
Current Mood: busy

My Christmas Wishes~ Dec. 24th, 2010 @ 02:34 pm
Basic quick Christmas list from my chars so people know what's what! /o/

Behind this to keep your sanity and mine. )

And... I think that's it! Anybody I didn't list either hasn't made enough ties yet or just plain doesn't celebrate the holiday. |Db ♥

A Long Time Coming Dec. 18th, 2010 @ 05:23 pm
....Yeah. Apparently, the things nagging in the back of my head weren't just my imagination, apparently, my RPing has become steadily worse since I returned from hiatus.

So, after talking with Carrie, I've decided that this is the best idea, and, unfortunately, Alterius will be short a Sword. (hee, short sword *SHOT*)

Basically, all of my characters are going on indefinite hiatus. Think of it as dropping, but I do not want to drop unless I'm told it's necessary. Either way, I will not be playing them until my life somehow gets tolerable.

For most of my characters, this is easy. They'll still be around, but in the background. Fleur will still be a bouncer at the Rising Sun, Booknerd will still be training as a recruit, Red will still be there to punch O'Reily's arm if he tries to give anyone discounts at the bakery, and Whis will still be failing miserably at trying to be a PI. If you guys want to, you can feel free to godmod them, and hell, if you want, Chibi, I can give you Red's account. Your choice there though.

Boomer, however, is a bit trickier. See, he was in bad sorts to begin with. As of such, he's absorbed most of my negativity and has only gotten worse for it. What he needs to do is go away. For a long long while. I don't know where, I don't know if he'll come back, but he's got to figure out what he's doing wrong and how he can fix it. He isn't even sure how to say goodbye to some of his colleagues, so all he's leaving behind is the following:

For Diz, fifty pounds (!) of Twi's finest coffee and an apology note for "having made his job that much more harrowing in the past month".

For Carmen, the fanciest chocolates he could afford, a collection of Transformers yaoi dojin (In Alterius? I'M SURE THEY MAKE IT) and a plushie of himself in the style of her Zed/Streak plushies and a note reading 'I'll still be here, even when I'm away'.

I'm sorry if my RPing has messed anything up, but thankfully, I think me and Carrie caught the problem before it actually screwed things up. I hope to see you guys in Alt again, but if it doesn't happen, I want to let you know that it's been a hell of a time RPing with each and every one of you. Hell, even Fen when she was here.

See you, space cowboy~

WARNING: EPIC LANDING - ALT ACADEMY Dec. 17th, 2010 @ 02:05 am
We all know that most of Alterius is based off of crack, awesome, and a heap of plot - with a lot of the Zone Cops already established and so called pasts formed and the like. But thanks to the branstorming of the chat, sugar, epic, tangents and all that good stuff... we figured it'd be fun to have a place that's not canon (that isn't the dressing room) to play out the characters in an academy setting.

And thus [info]alt_academy was born!

This doesn't have to be limited to just zone cops! Be creative! Have fun with it. :D

For example, Cheebs is probably going to play a younger O'Reily as a recruit, in a military type fashion - and I'm tempted with a younger Aelaric just for the epic pranks the place will have going on. Zed and Streak might not be together, Twi could be younger and still the talk of the town, but say...PupStar would be able to attend classes with the other recruits, even though like, Zed in Alt-canon is older than her, blah blah blah etc, you get the idea!

So yes! Even if you don't join, we recommend at least watching it with your chars so you don't miss out. But joining is always easier in the long run!

Any questions, direct them to Car or myself! 8Db Enjoy!

EDIT: For those wanting to do art/icons and such? This is the Recruit Uniform! =Db Have fun~ ♥ -- Carrie

Best. Timing. Ever Dec. 7th, 2010 @ 11:59 am
Hiatus alert /D

OKAY as those of you Twitter may know, I'm not going to be here tomorrow and most of thursday (should be back by, say 11pm or so, buses and weather permitting.)

Yay Disturbed gig! Boo gig falling on the exact same dates as the possible epic does. /D sooo until I'm back, should things explode over here feel free to godmod my chars as required. (I TRIED to get Twi to sleep through the next two days but the muse won't listen to me there oDo)

See you then!
Current Mood: rushed

The Stolen Findings Nov. 24th, 2010 @ 11:02 pm
Since this was brought up to me by Chan and Thal with questions last night and I honestly couldn't answer them, I managed to get a hold of Carrie on her vacation to make sure we could hand out these tidbits of information, here we go!

Thanks to the efforts of Stripey!Sonic and the rest of the hackers, they managed to distract Zeta enough with a barrage of information so that Stripey could slip in and just start yanking as much information that he could from the hedgehog's head as he possibly could. In doing this, he would have gathered a jumbled bit of information, as specified in his post here before he went to go crash and sleep himself.

Most of it is just a mishmash of information that doesn't seem to have any bearing toward the case, where everyone is located or what they've done to Zed or Deus. The only pieces of information that can be sorted out that might have some bearing on the case at all is as follows:

Letters To No One In Particular~ )

After the last letter, for all intensive purposes, one is lead to believe that Zeta has either stopped writing them or perhaps the rest were locked away.

These will be intermixed within the .rar file that Stripey handed out to the Zone Cops and the hackers on that post, but it's obvious by the leaked letters that time has passed between the villain's plotting~

The general public and those who weren't given the file at that time will not know this information and is it considered classified otherwise.

Have fun with this info~ ♫ As always, let me know if you have any questions.

Official Sword Status Update Nov. 19th, 2010 @ 09:55 pm
Since I said to Niki that I'd make things a little clearer on the OOC comm for the rest of you, I'm just clearing up that I'm still technically on hiatus with my other characters.

I'm restricting myself currently to one character in each game that feels most like an outlet and least like work (thus my picking up of Neku in Dux instead of trying to keep Sakuya around longer), and Whis is that character that gets to be let out of the musebox called my head in order to dip his fingers in the wtf that is coating the No Zone at the moment.

For the others!

  • Boomer is out of commission for quite some time. Chances are, as soon as Zed was verified captured, he flipped his shit and went on full offensive, and is currently either restrained, in HQ's psych ward, or both. Either way, this WILL have serious ramifications on the character when he comes out of hiatus, and the Zone Cops may have a position open for Head Dispatch due to his inability to stay cool under pressure.
  • Booknerd is a student. We don't expect those to be overly active, since even if the new teacher isn't Carson, it's bound to be someone just as relentless.
  • Red is around, but he's not using his comm. He's got a depressed O'Reily to hug, and a bakery to run while O'Reily is helping out the ZCs. He does request that he gets first dibs on exploding this Zeta fucker's head when he's finally captured, but knows that's just a pipedream.
  • Likewise, Fleur is around. In fact, Stripey and Twi may have gotten a few little things to cheer them up from her and Marms, because she DOES care for Stripe, git that he may be. She knows she's in a situation where the best thing she can do to help is to just keep the peace amongst the normal people, though, so she's doing her best as Marms's newest teagirl/bouncer. ♥

SO YEAH. Whis is considered active, and after mod consultation, it is pretty well determined that he imagined someone catching wind of his investigation and spent the last month holed up in the middle of nowhere like a paranoid shit. :V
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