-= Alterius the No Zone : OOC Community =- - December 17th, 2012

About December 17th, 2012


This one, it seems, is altering one's holiday spirit.

How A Shear Works:

Basically, reality is going to bend around your character. How far that bend goes is up to you. it could alter them entirely and they never realize that they're meant to be different than they are now. Or, the changes could happen and they could be perfectly aware that this is very wrong.

They're highly chaotic in nature so what affects one person, may not affect another. Someone could be altered for only a few hours, they could be altered for days, or even weeks. Potentially even years!

Let's not go with the last option, though. In a week or so it should be all cleared up again~


As always, any questions or comments, please let me know and Car or I will answer them as best as we can! Feel free to brainstorm here if you're having any issues coming up with anything or need clarification!
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