-= Alterius the No Zone : OOC Community =- - September 21st, 2012

About September 21st, 2012

UHM , HI ! 05:57 pm
Hello =D!

I'm Fran, nice to meet you all!

Am also Zychel on Tumblr and DA, but Fran is the name I go by. Carrie got me here. Because zonecops. I can't say no to zonecops. I can't D=.

I'm italian, and tend to be pretty shy. Which is an horrible combination, I know. I'll try to make up for the awkwardness of both the language and of my poor social skills the best I can <3. I you start reading a phrase and get lost because it's ridiculously long, sorry. I do that a lot. My bad.

I bring to you my AU Zonic!. Which...doesn't quite look like a Sonic at all: what with the wrong colors and the shortness, and those over-sized ears? He's a 16/17sh Zonecop right from a No-Zone so messed up that seems ripped off some bad sci-fi movie. Where you don't get to choose what to do with your life, the Corps decides! Where the sky is yellow and the planet itself is all artificial. And things. And stuff. Mostly evil, evil things. And bad, bad stuff.

But you'll find out

poking the tiny bleached thing?

At your risk. He's little, and painfully cute, but can be prickly, too. Extremely prickly.
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