-= Alterius the No Zone : OOC Community =- - December 16th, 2008

About December 16th, 2008

11:52 pm
...Yeeeeah. Like I said in Alterius? Shanoa works better here. Since Carrie gave the okay for the character to not fall into limbo - which would have happened if she had said no (which I should have noted since I made my Redux OOC post before I asked her if Shan' could be in)... here she is.

She's not going to post or reply right away, for two reasons - one, to allow time for people to remove her from their Redux lists, and two, because she's still being trained. Technology is new to her, so she's had to have a few days worth of very uncomfortable classes with Macbeth (or possibly another, less-bothersome, less-busy instructor) and yeah. Unlike most of the folks here, she couldn't use her communicator straight out of the box.

ANYWAY. Add her, zololo</i>?
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