-= Alterius the No Zone : OOC Community =- - December 11th, 2008

About December 11th, 2008

I'm on the (band)wagon and hitchin' a ride~ 12:23 am
... all right, so the lyric's really "off" and not "on", but it's a theme here! XD

So, allow me to introduce the Patron Saint of the Denial himself, Cmdr. Sonic O'Reily ([info]st_jimmys_fire). He's from a royally messed-up future where he's joined GUN, had a mental breakdown after actually having to kill people, got a little better, was made Commander of GUN, got worse, and started blowing shit up as part of a suicidal plan to destroy GUN. Needless to say, he's got issues.

Add on the off chance you don't have him

And then, Officer Carmen of the Zone Cops ([info]wheres_carmen). She's an AU'd version of Cmdr. Sonic's second-in-command Saffron and is about as native to Alterius as one can get. Thanks to some childhood trauma (SUDDENLY, GIANT CENTIPEDES EVERYWHERE!!), she's left with a fear of the creepy-crawlies and a desire to protect others like the Zone Cops protected her family. She also enjoys playing Ceiling Cat, pranks, and brownies. |D

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