January 2015



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Jan. 21st, 2015



HELLO DUDES, IT'S RIAN. i just wanted to give you a heads up that i am absolutely not ignoring the game, and hope to jump in soon—but (as some of you already know) i'm in the middle of a very sudden move that involves getting rid of almost everything i own, plus a new job, plus preparing for another overseas move, so i'm, uh, stretched a little thin. BUT i hope to have things settle down in a week or two enough that i can dive in! i'm so pumped to play and actually read/respond to intro comments, oh my god, I SWEAR I WILL BE AROUND SOON

okay that's all bye

Jan. 14th, 2015


january pcal.


Dec. 14th, 2014


hi guys, i'm so so sorry about the lack of posts - my aunt suddenly passed away last week and i've been dealing with that & family stuff, and i started physical therapy last week as well so attention to my personal life has been eating up my time and energy the last few days. backdated posts will commence tomorrow and hopefully we can get things rolling here! i'm always available for questions/anything else via email. ♥

- shay

Dec. 9th, 2014


Hey gang! As you may have seen, the plot calendar for December is up, so go check it out! The first plot post will go live tomorrow and at that point the game will be open to all. Because I was kind of sick this weekend, I wasn't really able to dedicate myself to memes like I wanted, so the first meme (two truths and a lie) will remain open to play around with at least for the next few days, and I'll probably post another meme later this week just as a character exercise! Memes are totally optional but I find them helpful to get into a character's voice, especially when I'm just starting to play them.

A few reminders:
— Bunk assignments (including roommates), squad assignments, callsigns, and class schedules can all be found in the spreadsheets doc.
— Player & character intros can be found in the intro hub! I'll be posting here every time there are new characters added so you don't have to constantly check the post, but make sure you post your own intro whenever you have a new character!
— There is now a friend-all button for your adding convenience.




Dec. 3rd, 2014


MEME 1/5

two truths and a lie.
comment as your character with two true statements and one lie about themselves, then others will try to figure out which is which. all comments should be ic, and all memes are purely for ooc/getting into character voice purposes, unless both players agree that it should be canon (check first before assuming!)

Nov. 29th, 2014



Welcome to Alpha Vesper Space Academy! I'm so happy you guys are here.

Instead of traditional introductions, we're going to try something different and hopefully useful. Normally, everyone posts separately in the OOC community with a description of their characters (and maybe themselves, if they're new to the players) and then everyone else comments. You're welcome to still do that if it's what's comfortable for you. But personally, I hate that process and don't get much out of it most times.

So as an alternative, we'll be using this post as an introduction and plotting hub. You'll complete the introduction survey (once for yourself and each of your characters) and others will be able to comment with their reactions and ideas, all in one place, so it's theoretically much easier to navigate and jump off one another. And new players will have the post handy to see older players' and characters' introductions at a glance. You'll have the ability to renew your character survey if you'd like to update the information — all you have to do is post a new comment.

You aren't limited to the survey; it's merely an easy way to get started. You can add anything else you want to say in your comment!

P.S. I recommend tracking this post!