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May 13th, 2015

[info]sandinista in [info]allthesefeels

Welcome + fandom request line.

hi, friends, and welcome so far to [info]allthesefeels, which i totally typed correctly today after sleeps!! [info]rainbowling has been SO KIND as to start some tags for me here, and although i know that there have already been some requests on the main tag post for fandoms, i thought i'd go ahead and have a big old master request post to start us off. just come here, tell us a show/book/whatever you want to scream about from here until eternity, and we'll tag it! this doesn't necessarily need to be stickied or anything (although if it becomes really useful it might). rather, consider it an icebreaker for the community until we settle in and figure out what we're doing here.

speaking of which: someone on my original post asked me if fanworks (fan art, fanfiction, mixes, etc.) were appropriate to place here – i say yes! after all, we're a cluster of writers; why not have this work as a small beta place before you go put it on ao3 or whatever? i'd really like to have this be an intermingling sort of place where we can gasp and talk about the stuff we like, and if that gasping turns into weird headcanon threads like we're fucking tumblr or whatever, who cares? it's fun. just tag appropriately and you're gouda. :)