September 14th, 2009

[info]travistheking in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

HOKAY. This is Aimee with my third character! And if you forgot who I play, It's Mr. Samuel Huntington and Melody Tremlett.

SO YES. This is Mr. Travis Bentley King, 7th year Ravenclaw. Call him T, TKING <-- YERR, Trav, but most people call him Bentley. Here's some lovely things about him.

About him:

  • Muggleborn
  • Is hated by his parents. He was a trouble maker to begin with. However, his mother was convinced that he was a child of the devil when they found out that he was a wizard. It was hard, especially since they come from a very Catholic family. He is now shunned by the family.
  • He was very fun and outgoing during his first four years. He was the trouble maker. Srsly. But everything changed every since his sister died. Travis isn't actually mean, but he's a bit hostile and extremely blunt. He also believes he's a bad person, and blames himself for the death of his sister.
  • Has an owl named Romeo.
  • Since he doesn't live with his parents, whenever he goes back, he'll stay with his brother.
  • Travis usually doesn't talk about his sister. Well, he's not the one to bring it up. When it is brought up, he speaks of his sister like he's perfectly fine. Like he doesn't even care sometimes.
  • While he may come off mean, he's actually a good guy. He's very loyal to his friends, but if you ask for his opinion, he'll be super blunt, up to the point where it's very hurtful. He won't care if you're his friend or not. You asked!

So yeah, lines would be AH-MAZING atm! I was thinking some good friends that knew him before the dramatic personality change and stuck by him, people that stopped being friends with him because of it, a best friend, people who are still friends with him but don't approve of his morbid ways...and anything else you have in mind! I'm an open book! =D

[info]aliusmodi in [info]allsnotwell_ooc


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that a lot of things are going on in my life right now, and while I don't want to go on hiatus, I must warn you that I will be slow.

Tonya and Aimee and Amanda and Bella - I owe you tags. Is that true to anyone else? I am dead tonight, so, I'll have to get them another time. Sowwy. Just wanted to let you guys now!

Love April, Lily, Alice, Quincy, Lorcan, and Xavier.

ps. Xavier is making dinner for Ophelia at his flat for her birthday. fwi if I never get around to commenting. XD