September 5th, 2009

[info]ceridwyn in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

This is Amanda with her 3rd BB. Ceridwyn (CARE IHD WIN for those who wanted to know) Boot, call her anything you want, she sorta dislikes her first name. Ceri, Wynnie, Whatever.

6th year Ravenclaw.She's shy and quiet, so it may seem she is completely anti social, But you sir are wrong!!! She is awfully friendly and likes to make new friends. She is self conscious, about every thing, except school work. She enjoys astronomy, ancient runes, music, and anything else that is a challenge. She dislikes obnoxious people, and pants. She's related to Leroy Jenkins and she wears a lot of skirts. Not that you needed to know about the skirts.

Plots yes?