August 22nd, 2009

[info]freddieweasley in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Hi guys! XD

So, for my fifth and final character, I bring you Fred Weasley II, more often known as Freddie, the fruit of George and Angelina (lol). He's a good-tempered bloke with a fair bit of ambition. He likes a laugh (he'd have to, wouldn't he?) but he thinks pranks are a bit pointless, really. He's very patient and enjoys taking things apart to see how they work and fixing old broken stuff. He's just back from a research trip around the world for new merchandise and has arrived unexpectedly two months early.

He needs mates, people he's rubbed up the wrong way, and to know how he gets on with individual cousins. I'm also interested in giving him a significant past love interest he's not quite over. Maybe it ended badly, or messily, and there's bad feeling between them still? Anything really is good, but I'd enjoy if maybe they came from the 'other side' (so to speak) and the whole thing was a secret because they thought people wouldn't approve. Any takers? Current love interests also welcome.