August 20th, 2009

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

friend-add for Zachary Smith!

[info]zachary_smith in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Here We Go Again

Alright, so I've added another baby to my plethora of charries. He is Zachary Smith a 7th year Hufflepuff and quidditch keeper. Zachary is a laid back individual who is very athletic, kind of shy, quiet and likes to just go with the flow. He is not the type to confront anyone unless he has drastic reason to do so. Therefore, he gets along with almost everyone and does not care about houses or families, just how people treat him. Zach is also very humble and does not think that he is attractive, real smart, or anything special; it is part of his charm.

Any how he needs friends, enemies, and everything in between. You know the drill by now. Thanks again!