July 31st, 2009

[info]dominuscaligo in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Hey everyone, April again with my fourth and final character, Xavier Yaxley!

Xavier is a Slytherin graduate of 2021, older brother to one Evangeline Yaxley, and grandson of the imfamous Cochran Yaxley! He is evil, and merrily so! The only problem is, he's got the majority of anyone who knows him positively fooled! He is incredibly manipulative, very few people have ever seen his real personality (probably just Evangeline at this point), and says anything to get what he wants. I'm looking for specifically: a girl he wants to be with but cannot be (I might have one already decided XD), someone who is VERY SUSPICIOUS and INCREDIBLY VOCAL ABOUT IT, people who are COMPLETELY FOOLED, and pretty much ANYTHING ELSE. And all of you inactive adults, get active! I'll be poking you! <3

Love April, Lily, Lorcan, Quinnipoo, and Xavier!

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

friend-add time for Carrie with Annabelle Stebbins!