July 21st, 2009

[info]second_cress in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Hola Guys! It's Danielle with Character number two. Please welcome Dragomir Cresswell. Yes, his name is a bit strange, but then again so is he. Feel free to call him Gomir. Everyone else does. He's a seventh year hufflepuff, who just happens to be a complete goof ball. He also firmly believes that he needs to pass on his knowledge of jokes, pranks, and complete silliness to the younger years. He accomplishes this through his younger siblings and is always proud to see a younger student attempting one of his tricks. It doesn't matter if they haven't made it an art form. He's simply proud that it is being passed along. Hogwarts would be horrendously boring if there wasn't some comic relief. Since his time at Hogwarts began, Dragomir has plagued both Professors and Students alike. He'd like to think that he's tied with the infamous Weasley Twins for most time spent in Detention, but he's a little on the short side. Thankfully, he still has one more year.

If you need any info it's all available at his journal [info]second_cress. So, friends, enemies, ect?

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

friend-add for Alice Longbottom!!!