July 18th, 2009

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Run the friend-add for Queenie Gibbon!!

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc


run the friend-add again real quick for Lucy Weasley.

[info]queengib in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Hello everyone! I'm Karina and I'm bringing in Queenie Gibbon. You can reach me on aim and yahoo at drwnpainlemonade and msn at punk_rock_maniac@hotmail.com.

Queenie is a fifth year Slytherin with slight Gryffindor tendencies. She has a habit of being a tomboy and has to be convinced to dress up like a girl. She hates her school uniform and sometimes she hates people in general. She has a bad attitude most of the time and likes to argue a lot. Or maybe I like to argue a lot and I project onto my character. Either way, she's snippy and grumpy.

Friends? Enemies? Let me know. :D

[info]lucy_g_weasley in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Lucy Weasley

Ellen here. I have such a Weasley fetish. So Lucy is here. She's a moody, argumentative troublemaker who knows how to say sorry and admit when she's been an idiot. She likes people who say what they mean and discussing moral issues passionately. She's also highly persuasive when she's in the mood. She argues with her cousins a lot, but it's only because she cares so much what they think of her. She hasn't got a lot of friends, but she is kind to those who take a bit of time to get to know her. So, to the family, how do they get on when she's not trying to argue with them? To everyone else, are you a friend, a love-interest or someone who's felt her sharp tongue and never quite recovered?