July 13th, 2009

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

friend-add, friend-add!

Guys! Run the good ol' friend-add again, because Ellen's picked up Ophelia Burke!

EDIT: Also, be sure to run it again because we are welcoming April with Lorcan Scamander!

[info]scorp_malfoy in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

I'm dreadfully bored, so  was wondering if anyone felt like RPing with Scorpius? Actually I'm in the mood for a row...  That is all.

[info]lorcavor in [info]allsnotwell_ooc


Hey everyone! I am April and this is Lorcan Scamander! He is a 5th year Ravenclaw, and twin brother of Lysander Scamander (who should be shortly on his way too! Not by me though), and the son of Luna and Rolf Scamander! He is in looove with plants. Would marry them if they might produce suitable offspring. He is calm, non-competitive, chaser on the quidditch team, and loves plants. Woops I already said that. Anyway, I am up for any and all plots. =] Need a tutor?! Like his looks ladies?! Hate his guts? You can contact me at aprilynnd@gmail.com OR aprilxlily on AIM, OR just leave a comment here. ^^

- April

[info]hughweasley in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Question: Is each day played in real time or do we just get to pick what day it is when posting? =)