July 10th, 2009

[info]allsnotwell_mod in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Please run the friend-adder for Victoire Weasley and Alexandria Kirke!

[info]theredvictory in [info]allsnotwell_ooc

Hi! I'm Megan and this is Victoire Weasley. I'm a lameo, so, I'll just skip me and go to Victoire.

Eldest of the Weasley brigade of doom, she's a Gryffindor alumnus 2018, and owns an antique shop in Diagon Alley called the Victory Antique Shop. Creative, right? She also lives above it, and her dog Chocolate guards it after dark. She's old-fashioned and nice, a member of the new Order, and loves history and nice children who don't break things in her shop. She's part Veela, and is pretty, but that's kind of obvious. Her fuller info is here.

I can be reached at theoryofillusion on AIM anytime or flufflekittens@gmail.com on e-mail, so feel free to for any reason plotty or even not! :)