February 7th, 2008

[info]modlyvoice in [info]all_roads

Journal entries for Thursday, 30 December, 1999

BELLATRIX BLACK LESTRANGE: private to DE minus those in the Centre and traitors
NARCISSA BLACK MALFOY: public, private to Bellatrix and Rodolphus

[info]modlyvoice in [info]all_roads

Events for Friday, 31 December, 1999

New Year's Eve

New Year's Massacre
Small groups of Death Eaters attack multiple places across the wizarding world late into the night and early into the next morning, Order/Aurors only waiting for them in certain places due to the scattered layout of attacks. One Auror trainee killed ([name] Harper), three Aurors (Alastor Moody, TBD NPCs) injured, two Order members (Luna Lovegood, Charlie Weasley) injured. Two Death Eaters killed (TBD NPCs) and four others captured (TBD NPCs). 'Civilian' body count in at least the thirties, not including Muggle deaths yet to be determined as part of the attack.

[info]puffprincess in [info]all_roads

A note in a pocket [EM, HA]

Folded in the pocket of Ernie's Auror robes, thought it won't be apparent how it got there (house-elf magic; Hannah sent Jigsy) is the following note:


Please be careful tonight. I know you will be, but I still needed to say it, needed to know you'd think, one more time before you went out, about how you need to stay safe.

I love you. Don't ever forget that.

Always yours,