February 1st, 2008

[info]modlyvoice in [info]all_roads

Journal entries for Sunday, 26 December, 1999

HANNAH ABBOTT: private to Ernie

[info]revontulet in [info]all_roads

Shopping and kidnapping; Diagon Alley [AS, RB, CSB, BBL, RL]

WHO: Aurora, Regulus, Carina, Bellatrix, Rodolphus
WHERE: Diagon Alley
WHEN: Wednesday, 29 December, 1999; early evening
SUMMARY: Regulus takes Carina to get a telescope with the aide of Aurora; Bella and Roddy have a change of plans. COMPLETED THREAD.
RATING: PG-13 for subject matter?

That's what happens // when a family finds out // that they've been in orbit now for a thousand years // and need a thousand more to climb out )

[info]eagleofdelphi in [info]all_roads

Learning to co-parent; the Abbott's [HJ, DA]

WHO: Hestia, Dominic
WHERE: the Abbott's
WHEN: Wednesday, 29 December, 1999; early evening
SUMMARY: Hestia's learning how to parent and Dominic has to learn his daughter is an adult – no, really, he does. COMPLETED THREAD.

when tough little boys grow up to be dads // they turn into big babies again )

[info]famedwolf in [info]all_roads

Kidnapping unexpectedness; Cornwall [BBL, RL, CSB]

WHO: Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Carina
WHERE: Cornwall
WHEN: Wednesday, 29 December, 1999; evening
SUMMARY: Rodolphus and Bellatrix deal with far more than they bargained for with their little prisoner. IN-PROGRESS THREAD.

I saw a little child find a penny and he smiled // what do children see, it's a mystery to me )