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GenCon 2k11 [09 Aug 2011|01:28am]

Sorry for being pretty dead this past weekend! I touted off to GenCon Indy and just got back. It was so much fun but I am so EXHAUSTED.

But anyways, if anyone was wondering why I was basically MIA, that was it. I promise I'll be less invisible in the days/weeks to come! xD
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Pesterchum? [08 Aug 2011|10:31pm]

Hello, just wondering if anybody else here has Pesterchum, and what your chumhandles are if you do have it. Mine is azureCaduceator, if anyone cares :P

If you do not have Pesterchum but want it (yes, it is real! :O wow!) then you can download version 3.14 here:

That is the most updated and prettyful version apparently. The version for Mac people, and also the version I use, is this one, version 2.5.

I think it is simpler and easier to handle, but I haven't tried 3.14 so I have no idea :D I am willing to help with troubleshooting for 2.5 if anyone needs it, I am not that experienced as a techie but I will give it my best shot. I just fuck around with iit until ii can fiigure shiit out (sorry for stealing your character for a bit, accidentalotaku! lol)
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A poll of sorts. [08 Aug 2011|04:23pm]

Shelle brought up a question that I did not have an answer for. So we're gonna decide this way, because I am terrible at making decisions.

What grade should everyone be in? Should it be the same grade? Should it be up to the individual players? What do you guys think?
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[07 Aug 2011|11:50pm]

[ mood | dorky ]

I'm Kayla and, well, I play Dave. :> This is actually my first time roleplaying in a livejournal-esque format. I'm also sorta new at handling Dave, so uh, if I mess stuff up please let me know! Gosh, seeing how long so many of you have been roleplaying kinda intimidates me! lol
If you need to contact me for some reason, my msn is, my skype is whatdoesahumanitarianeat and my tumblr is also whatdoesahumanitarianeat! Also I'm rarely ever on pesterchum, but when I am it's usually as spacedOut

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:33 < Meow meow!!!! [07 Aug 2011|09:43pm]

[ mood | energetic ]

Hello!!!! My name's Tiffany, and I'm your resident Nepeta player.I've been RPing for a number of years, on LJ, IJ, and GJ. I only recently got into Homestuck after being intrigued by all of the gorgeous troll fanart, and found this community over at the LJ Homestuck community. I'm really excited to get the chance to RP as Nepeta, and this AU just seems like so much fun!!!!

I'm a nice person (at least I think so), so feel free to e-mail me at, IM me via AIM at insanityizgood, or drop a comment in Nepeta's OOC post.

I can't wait to start RPing with everyone!!! :33

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Hello!!!!!!!! [07 Aug 2011|01:53pm]

Hey everybody, my name's Izze and I'll be playing Vriska! I have been rping for a couple of years but am still new to IJ, so forgive me if I do anything stupid or have to ask you where something is XD (In fact I only just figured out how to post to an asylum, lol) But I will try my best not to be annoying or mean to anybody. (when I'm out of character at least...Here's looking at you, Toreadork! Hehehehehehehehe.)

Welp, can't think of much else to write, so uh...I hope everyone has fun with this rp! Say bye, Vriska.

8ye, losers! >::::)

EDITEDITEDIT: Oh yeah, and my pesterchum handle is azureCaduceator, feel free to pester me if I'm online.
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Guys! Guys! Hey guys! [06 Aug 2011|10:08pm]

A few things. Just a few. Maybe even just a couple. We'll see how this goes.

First off, intro posts! Who are you people? Inquiring minds want to know! So post those! Or, you know, just reply here. Whatever.

And if you need some help with html-ing your colors and stuff, this is a pretty awesome little thingy that I use because I'm hopeless: Copy/paste is easy enough for even me.

And there are many many icons to be had here, though you might already know about it if you came from LJ. As I said, I don't know who most of you people are, haha.

So that's three things. And that's all the things. For now, anyway.
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[04 Aug 2011|10:11pm]

So, I'm leaving tomorrow (Saturday) for a family reunion in the Land of Hipsters and Redwoods California. I may be able to tag occasionally, but probably not.

Be back in a week!
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Hiya! [03 Aug 2011|09:16am]

Hello! I'm Matt, and I'm Jack obviously.

Even though I've been roleplaying for about 6 years now this is my first time actually RPing as a character from a fandom. So I'm pretty nervous but also really excited!

Even though I can only really channel SOUL BLACKENING RAGE and SHOUTING, so my best suited characters are Jack and Karkat...mostly Jack. But I'm playing him, so everything works out and I'll do my best!

And even though I can channel soul blackening rage I'm a really nice guy, I swear!
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*waves* hello! [28 Jul 2011|10:40pm]

I am shelle, and I play Terezi, obviously, and I will also be playing John as soon as I can get some DAMN ICONS FROM LJ. :D?

I have been playing online for about seven years or so. And a good few of those years have been playing with Stu. And she keeps getting me into new fandoms to play in, which is the awesome thing about that! And this is the latest thing and one of the most fun things I've ever done.

So I hope to do a lot of weird and fun things with a character I've never done before because f'reel, I'm playing a FREAKIN' TROLL and she is awesome, too.

Let's all have fun!
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[27 Jul 2011|04:04pm]

I guess I should introduce myself! I am known as Stu (but my name is Rebecca...take that as you will) and I'm the mod of this place, which mostly just means I approve memberships and that sort of thing. Because this is all terribly informal and I am not good at ruling with an iron fist anyway.

I'll be playing Tavros here (who I'm most comfortable with...) and Eridan, who I'm still getting the hang of.

So I think that's it for now. I just want everybody to have fun!
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