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Althernierth High School OOC

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*ahem* [13 Nov 2011|05:28pm]

Anybody still around? Besides me and Shelle, I mean. Well. Even if there isn't. This is Stu and that pleasant-looking little fellow up there is my fantroll, Yarden. Because somebody needed a fantroll all up in here.
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[27 Sep 2011|12:45am]


I don't know if anyone is interested in such a thing, but I'm signed up at and I think it's going to be fun? The sign-ups end on Friday and I thought it might be relevant to interests. They're trying to get more people to sign up so if you wanna, you should do that.

There is also a thing about it on Tumblr if you would prefer, but I am dumb with Tumblr, but here is for people who are not dumb at it:

So...that's it.
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Bluh. A Mod Announcement of Sorts. [08 Sep 2011|10:21pm]

Okay, my dears. This is the situation.

Stu here. Shelle and I have come to a decision and we hope you guys are okay with it. Seeing as though we're both impatient, and wanting to get this show on the road, we have decided to share the role of Karkat, as interest in Karkles seems to flare up and then die down before anything comes of it. I was going to just take him myself, but Shelle volunteered to share with me, so there won't have to be a lot of...erm...playing with oneself, as it were. Also, recent fandom DRAMA has made us kind of worried. Soooo this seemed the best solution.

I'm gonna go ahead and change the character number cap, not that it's been an issue, but yeah.

Anyways. That is that and I have had three hours sleep, so if you're wanting a more coherent explanation, it's going to have to wait until tomorrow.
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Classes [08 Sep 2011|02:33pm]

So I know all the trolls are in their junior year, but I was wondering about other classes? Not that they need to be decided if making things up on the spot works (time and things seeming a bit fluid here) but I think it would be fabulous and hilarious absolutely terrible to see them (and by them I mean Karkat and whomever else has to put up with him) have to read The Scarlet Letter in class... |D

But since we don't (officially??) have a Karkat yet, that may have to wait. But this can be a general idea thread, yes/no/squiddles? :>
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OK YOU 4LL N33D TO CH3CK TH1S... [02 Sep 2011|06:36pm]




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I just wanted to make sure everyone saw this... [31 Aug 2011|03:40am]

because it's so perfect that my soul hurts now. IT HURTS.

Seriously. You guys. Seriously.
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Irene was here. Power lines are losers! [29 Aug 2011|08:21pm]

I hate to be taking a hiatus this soon but this lovely hurricane took out some power lines, so my house has been sans power for about two days and counting, and the news says we aren't getting power/internet/etc back for up to another week. -___-'' (The only reason I'm able to post this is because I'm at the library with everyone else in town.)

So if I'm AWOL for a while, that's why!
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How To Use Insanejournal - An (Occasionally) Illustrated Guide [29 Aug 2011|12:51am]

Hey guys! So, there's few a people who are new to a) insanejournal, b) online RPing, or c) both. And that's awesome! I've been doing journal-based RP for around four years, and online stuff for maybe eight or nine. It's a lot of fun, and I hope that you all have fun!

There is, however, one mistake that I see people make now and then: Slipping up when responding to a post or responding to a comment. Everybody makes mistakes--and this is one that I did for about my first year of livejournal and whatnot. Rather than let those who are newer at this fumble through the dark, I thought that I'd whip up a quick illustrated guide to this.

Images and text behind the cut! )

SO! Let's use this as a place for questions. If you're having trouble with something about Insanejournal--be it comments, HTML, icons, notifications, or anything? Feel free to ask here! This is a place of no judging, but much hugging. Because hugging is awesome, and so are you!
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Hello guys [28 Aug 2011|12:47pm]

So I guess I should FINALLY introduce myself, huh? Well, I'm Amber, and I play Sollux here. I have been RPing for about 5 years. I'm in high school, a Junior to be specific (at least I will be in 2 weeks). I'm really excited to be a part of this. Sollux is my favorite troll! I have some experience in video production and editing, and I'm hoping that will help me accurately portray Sollux, who, as we know, creates the band videos.
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Great News [27 Aug 2011|06:35pm]

Hey, guess what! As soon as my friend gets an IJ, he will be trying out for Karkat! I hope he'll do a good job.
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)(----ELLO! [26 Aug 2011|11:27am]

Hey there! I'm Jess, and I'm going to try my hand at playing Feferi here :> It's my first time rping anyone from Homestuck, so I'll try to do her justice. o/

I look forward to playing with you all! 38)
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Just a heads up! [25 Aug 2011|05:36am]

Stu, your MOD OF APATHY here. Just wanted to let you know that Shelle, aka Terzi & John's player, has achieved MOD TIER. Mostly because I need her awesome <> skills. So...if she says to do something, do it and stuff. Cos I said so.
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OOC: this is totally canon for my Terezi... [22 Aug 2011|03:20am]

Anyone want to get Terezi stoned?
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Bowling! [21 Aug 2011|03:17pm]

I think it would be cool if everyone had an outing together and the idea of bowling came up between Izze and I. So, anyone for bowling?
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Just a note: [17 Aug 2011|02:17am]

I have updated the friending button! So go click that!

There is also a rather half-assed FAQ right here! I think that's it!
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hey all [16 Aug 2011|07:13pm]

hey all, im dillon, and i will be playing gamzee. Im new to this type of RPing but I think it will be a good time.
my persterchum handle is keyserSoze if you want to message me.
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hello! :) [16 Aug 2011|07:13pm]

Hello, Izze here! Some of you probably already know me as azurecaduceator, but I just want to let you know that I will now be playing Jade as well as Vriska! Ok, have a good day! :)
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ok just so's you all know... [15 Aug 2011|08:29pm]

I (shelle) am on vacation and will be sort of around but not really, as the wireless connection is iffy at the cabins where I am staying in the Land of Pine Trees and Moose.

When I get back on the 22nd of August, I fully expect to do some threads with people so be warned...John and Terezi are going to get All Up In That. Whatever That is. :D
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Go!Daikocon [10 Aug 2011|04:13pm]

Ok, on Friday I will be heading to Go!Daikocon, an anime convention in Troy, MI. I was just wondering if anybody is going or knows anyone who's going to the convention. I will be cosplaying as God Tier John, and would love to meet some fellow fans!
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Regarding the poll: [10 Aug 2011|01:57am]

Okay, I looked over what you guys have to say and how does this sound:

The kids/trolls will be at the start of their Junior year as of now. Time will pass, but it won't be 'real time' so we can go at a comfortable pace and not worry about things too much. Is this doable for everyone?
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